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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Should You Book a Foreign Trip For 2022 or Wait?

Loan for Travel

Should You Book a Foreign Trip For 2022 or Wait?

Should You Book a Foreign Trip For 2022 or Wait?

Travel took a backseat for most Indians in 2021. With the world ravaged by multiple waves of the virus and strict cross-border travel restrictions, our travel plans got suspended indefinitely.

But over the past few months, many countries have reopened their borders to vaccinated individuals, thanks to manageable COVID numbers. So, should you plan that foreign trip now?

Before you make a choice, keep the following things in mind.

1. Know the travel restrictions at your chosen destination

Before youbook a trip, check if your travel destination has any travel restrictions. For instance, different countries have various rules for vaccination, quarantine, and PCR testing for foreign travellers. What’s more, many countries have internal travel restrictions too. Make sure to check these before booking your tickets.

Additionally, consider travelling to a place with a higher vaccinated population. Doing this lowers the risk of altering your travel plans due to COVID. Or worse, being stuck in an extended lockdown at an unknown place.

Additional Read – Plan Your International Trip Post-COVID to Visa-Free Countries

2. Look for flexible hotel and airline bookings

International travel is still picking up worldwide, so you may come across good deals for international flight tickets and hotels pretty often. Hence, if you’re planning for a foreign trip 2022, make the most of offers whenever they come.

Look for deals with low cancellation charges in case countries close borders just before your trip. Additionally, start looking for offers as early as possible. Usually, the earlier you book, the better deal you get. Especially if you’re planning to opt for a personal loan for travel. This could save you a substantial sum. You can also check the personal loan eligibility criteria to be sure that you’re eligible.

3. Changing flying routines

Many airlines haven’t added back all their previous routes, and many are currently flying on new routes. Naturally, there will be a shift in the duration of your flight as per the changing routes. Along with altered boarding timings, you could have a later departure time, a change in the number of stops, and more.

But there’s no cause to worry. Many airlines allow you to re-book your tickets at your convenience at no extra cost. All you have to do is inform the airline about the same.

4. Prepare for unexpected financial emergencies

There’s no telling when an emergency can strike during your trip, especially during COVID times. You could get quarantined, face a lockdown, or worse, get exposed to COVID during your trip. Hence, it’s wise to get travel insurance if you don’t have one already.

Make sure your insurance covers COVID-19 and has an established hospital network in the area you’re visiting. Also, make sure it covers you in case your flight gets cancelled.

Additional Read – 5 Reasons Why a Travel Loan is Right for You

Over to you

Ultimately, booking an international trip is your choice. Whatever option you choose, make sure to consider all the risks beforehand.

Need some financial help while booking your trip, turn to Tata Capital. We offer multipurpose loans at competitive personal loan interest rates for all your travel needs.