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Helps you know your portfolio's future valuation, consisting of various instruments such as stocks, Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, Bonds, Alternative Investments, Gold etc
Equity Mutual Fund
Debt Mutual Fund/Fixed Deposits/NCDs
PMS / Alternate Investments
Fixed Income Instruments (FDs/Bonds/NCDs,etc)
Gold (Paper/Physical)
Future Value of your Investment ₹97,98,438
Expected Return on your Investment 11.44%
The Portfolio Return calculator helps you know your portfolio's future valuation, consisting of various instruments such as stocks, Mutual Funds (Debt / Equity), Fixed Deposits, Non-convertible Debentures, PMS, Gold etc.
To calculate the future value of your financial portfolio and the average expected rate of return on your portfolio of investments, you must consider the following variables.
Your portfolio valuation bifurcated into various investment instruments
The expected rate of return on various elements of your portfolio
The investment horizon
This way, you can estimate the future value of your portfolio and the expected rate of return on your investments.
An investment calculator is a tool that helps you figure out the returns you can collect when you park your funds in various investments. With the calculator, get a clear picture of your financial position and returns on your investments years down the line.
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Tata Capital Limited (“TCL”) is registered with the Association of Mutual Funds in India as a Mutual fund Distributor bearing ARN No. 51479 and Tata Capital Wealth is a service offering by TCL. Please note that all Mutual Fund Investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Please note that TCL does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. For more details on the risk factors, terms & conditions please read sales brochure carefully of the Insurance Company before concluding the sale. Participation to buy insurance is purely voluntary. Tata Capital Wealth - AMFI – registered Mutual Fund Distributor bearing ARN 51479.
Tata Capital Limited (“TCL”) bearing License no. CA0896 valid till 21-Jan-2027, acts as a Composite Corporate Agent for TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited, BAJAJ Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited, Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company limited, TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited, IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited & Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd. Please note that, TCL does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. For more details on the risk factors, terms & conditions please read sales brochure carefully of the Insurance Company before concluding the sale. Participation to buy insurance is purely voluntary.
Tata Capital Wealth - AMFI – registered Mutual Fund Distributor bearing ARN 51479.
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