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Tata Capital > Blog > Knowing the Difference between Carpet Area, Built-Up Area and Super Built-Up Area

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Knowing the Difference between Carpet Area, Built-Up Area and Super Built-Up Area

Knowing the Difference between Carpet Area, Built-Up Area and Super Built-Up Area

What is super built-up area, carpet area, and built-up area? In this blog, we find out.

When purchasing a house, you’ll come across several real estate terminologies you may not be familiar with. Carpet area, built-up area, and super built-up area are terms used back and forth to refer to the area occupied by the house. When you go house hunting, you should clearly know these, so you aren’t misled and can make a smart decision.

In this article, we understand the difference between carpet area and built-up area and super built-up area.

Carpet Area

As the name suggests, the carpet area is the area that is covered by a carpet laid out across the house. The room sizes are often specified in terms of carpet area. This includes all areas – the living room, bedroom, dining room, dressing room, kitchen, bathrooms, stores, balconies, and any other room or area that is generally used by people.

It is worthy to note that the carpet area does not include external and internal walls, common areas, or terraces. This is the most important terminology as it tells you the usable space in your home. Simple math will make it clear that if your room is 5m x 6m, then your carpet area will equal 30 sq. mt.

Area of Carpet = Total Area (Bedroom + Living Room + Bathroom + Kitchen) – Wall Thickness

For example, if your unit’s built-up space is 1300 square feet, your carpet area should be roughly 900 square feet. The property’s dimensions are measured from one inner wall to the next inner wall.

Carpeted areas account for 70% of the total built-up area.

Built-Up Area

The built-up area includes additional spaces to the carpet area. For example, the thickness of the wall. Briefly, this area includes the carpet area, internal and external walls, and utility ducts. This term is comparatively used in fewer instances as opposed to the carpet area.

In simple words, the difference between carpet area and built-uparea is that 25-30% of the carpet area can be assumed to be the latter. Therefore, if your realtor tells you that the built-up area of your apartment or house is 900 sq ft, then it’s safe to say that the total usable area is about 650 sq ft.

Super Built-Up Area

As the name suggests, the super built-up area is a little more than the built-up area. For any space that you purchase, there would be certain common areas for which you will be required to pay maintenance. This can include your lift, lobby, staircases, pipe ducts, community centres, and similar spaces. Spaces like roof terraces, parks, gardens, and such are excluded while calculating super built-up area. This area will account for about 25% of your built-up area. It is also the measurement that developers and realtors take into consideration while calculating the final cost of the building.

In short, it is safe to assume that the proportion of your carpet area vs built-up area vs super built-up area will be 70:20:10.

Built-up area vs Carpet Area vs Super Area

Builders routinely exploited the super-built-up area as the space-measuring unit to take advantage of the lack of clarity on space computation. This was before the RERA made it essential for them to sell flats based on carpet area. They were able to reduce the property’s per sq ft cost by using a super built-up area as the measurement unit. It also gave the customer the idea that they were purchasing a large home when they weren’t.

Super built-up area is the total they arrive at after combining common and built-up regions. Because it becomes a benchmark for developers to quote their buyers, the super built-up area is also known as the saleable area.

What is covered in the Super Area vs Carpet Area?

Super built-up area comprises

  • The flat’s built-up area
  • Pipe
  • Lobby
  • Lift
  • Swimming pool
  • Gymnasium
  • Clubhouses
  • Staircases
  • Air ducts
  • Event hall
  • Lobby

According to the RERA Act of 2016, it is the builder’s responsibility to inform buyers about the carpet area and propose pricing based solely on that, rather than the super built-up area.

Buyers can inquire about the carpet area to super built-up area ratio from the developer. Space is estimated based on the carpet area to the super Built-up area ratio.

A lower cost may not always imply a better bargain. Prior to the implementation of RERA, it was typical to base the price of an apartment on the super built-up area. But that is no longer the case.

Built-up Area vs Carpet Area

A carpet area refers to the space that can be covered by a carpet, whereas a built-up area refers to the area that remains after the carpet and wall areas have been added.

Over to you

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