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Tata Capital > Blog > What is a Land Record?

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What is a Land Record?

What is a Land Record?

For a long time, India has followed different versions of traditional land record systems. Land records in India form the framework of land administration and are very important in property dealings and legal matters.

However, traditional systems for managing land records present several challenges. Issues such as the lack of standardisation, language barriers, and prevalent corruption often complicate land ownership details. Recently, there have been efforts by the government of India to modernise, digitise and standardise land records across the country.

In this blog post, we discuss land records, the shift towards digitalisation and how you can access your land records.

What is a Land Record?

Land records or property records are interchangeable terms that are used to describe various types of documentation related to land. These could be documents about land ownership details, land rights, geological features, economic aspects and more.

A land record is used for many purposes including legal land sales and agricultural planning. Land registration documents are considered the most reliable sources of information such as the size, soil type and suitability for different uses.

In India, land records and related terms go by different names in different states. Some of the common terms you might encounter across Indian states include:

1. Bhulekh: Predominantly used in northern states, ‘Bhulekh’ refers to written records of land.

2. Khata: This term, found in many states, represents an account or ledger related to a specific piece of land.

3. Jamabandi: Typically used in Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh, ‘Jamabandi’ denotes a record of rights and is often used during land assessment and collection of land 4. revenue.

4. Khasra: A term used mainly in northern India, ‘Khasra’ is a survey number given to a particular piece of land.

5. Khatauni: Found in states like Uttar Pradesh, this term refers to a document containing all the Khasra numbers and their corresponding details within a village.

Types of Land Records in India

In India, there are many different documents that fall under the category of land records. The key types of land records include:

1. Register of Lands: This is a basic record that lists all the land parcels in a particular area. It includes essential details like the location, size, and type of land. This register is fundamental for understanding the layout of land ownership in a region and is a starting point for any land-related inquiry.

2. Record of Rights (RoR): The Record of Rights details the rights of individuals or entities over a particular piece of land. This includes information about the owners, tenants, mortgages, leases, and other rights. RoR is critical for establishing legal ownership and is frequently referenced in legal disputes.

3. Mutation Register: This document records changes in ownership and other details in the land records. Whenever a property is sold, inherited, or transferred in any way, the transaction is recorded in the Mutation Register. This ensures that the land records are up-to-date and reflect the current state of ownership.

4. Tenancy and Crop Inspection Register: This register contains information about the crops grown on a piece of land and its tenancy arrangements. It’s essential for agricultural planning and for resolving disputes related to tenancy rights.

5. Disputed Cases Register: As the name suggests, this register logs any disputes or litigation involving a piece of land. It helps in tracking ongoing legal issues and is crucial for resolving land-related disputes.

7. Survey and Settlement Records: These include detailed surveys and maps of land parcels, showing their boundaries and physical features. These records are vital for resolving boundary disputes and for urban planning and development activities.

8. Land Improvement Records: These documents detail any improvements or developments made on a land parcel, such as construction, irrigation systems, or soil conservation measures. They are important for assessing the value and utility of the land.

The National Land Record Modernisation Programme (NLRMP)

The National Land Record Modernisation Programme (NLRMP) in India is a Government initiative that aims to overhaul the traditional land record system and address prevalent challenges. The key objectives of this initiative are:

1. Making records accessible online for transparency and ease of access.

2. Combining written records with maps for a comprehensive understanding of land parcels.

3. Ensuring that land records reflect current ownership and other changes.

4. Mitigating legal disputes over land by providing clear and up-to-date information.

The implementation of the NLRMP involves a multi-faceted approach. It includes the computerisation of land records, digitisation of maps, and upgrading survey and settlement records. This modernisation effort extends to the integration of the land record system with other related departments, creating a more cohesive and efficient administrative framework.

How to Access Digital Land Records?

The Government’s effort to digitise land records means that now you can access your property records online from anywhere at any time. This is how you can go about it:

Step 1: Identify the specific state portal for land records. Each state in India has its unique portal for land records, such as ‘Bhulekh’ for Uttar Pradesh or ‘AnyROR’ for Gujarat.

Step 2: Visit the official land record website of your respective state. The portal’s homepage typically provides options for various types of land record searches.

Step 3: Select ‘View Land Record’, ‘Check RoR’, or similar options depending on the state’s portal.

Step 4: Enter the required details, including district, tehsil, village, and specific land or property identifiers like survey number or owner’s name.

Step 5: Submit your query.

Step 6: The land record details will be displayed on the screen. In some cases, you might have options to download or print the document.

In Conclusion

The modernisation of land records in India marks a significant leap towards enhanced governance and societal development. By transitioning to digital systems, these records have become more accessible, transparent, and reliable, drastically reducing the likelihood of disputes and corruption.

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