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Tata Capital > Blog > Types of GST Returns In India

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Types of GST Returns In India

Types of GST Returns In India

Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced in India on July 1, 2017, with the aim of simplifying the indirect tax structure and fostering a unified tax system. GST has replaced and subsumed multiple indirect taxes that existed earlier and compliance is a crucial aspect for businesses operating under the GST regime. GST returns play a pivotal role in this compliance process, providing a systematic way for businesses to report their sales and purchases and discharge their tax liabilities.

However, there are different type of return under GST  as per the GST law, each having its own unique significance. Let’s understand the different types of GST returns in India, their applicability and due dates.

Different Types of GST Returns in India

Following are the different types of GST returns and due dates as per the GST Act:

Sr. No.GSTR TypesApplicabilityPurposeFrequency and Due Date
1GSTR-1Regular taxpayerIt includes details of outward supplies i.e., sales made by the taxpayer during a specific period.Monthly: 11th after the end of the month
Quarterly: 13th after the end of the quarter
2Invoice Furnishing FacilityOptional facility for taxpayers who have opted for the Quarterly Return Monthly Payment (QRMP) schemeIt allows QRMP taxpayers to file details of outward supplies on a monthly basis i.e., sales made by the taxpayer during a specific period.Monthly 13th after the end of the month
3GSTR-3BRegular taxpayersA monthly self-declaration summarising the details of both outward and inward supplies along with the input tax credit claimed. It serves as a return to fulfil tax payment obligations.For regular taxpayers: 20th after the end of the month
For QRMP: 22nd/24th of the month (depending upon the state) after the end of the quarter
4CMP-08Composition taxpayerStatement cum challan to enable composition registered person to pay tax on a quarterly basisQuarterly 18th of the month after the end of the quarter
5GSTR-4Composition taxpayerReturn for a person registered under the composition schemeAnnually 30th of the month after the end of the financial year
6GSTR-5Non Resident Taxable Person (NRTP)Non-resident foreign taxpayers supplying goods or services in India need to file GSTR-5. It includes details of their outward supplies, tax liability, and input tax credit (if any).Monthly 20th of the succeeding month
7GSTR-5AOIDAR service providersReturn to be filed by OIDAR service providersMonthly 20th of the succeeding month
8GSTR-6Input Service Distributors (ISD)ISDs, which distribute input tax credits to their branches, need to file GSTR-6. It includes details of input tax credit received and distributed during a specific periodMonthly 13th of the succeeding month
9GSTR-7TDS deductorsTax Deducted at Source (TDS) deductors are required to file GSTR-7, which includes details of TDS deducted and deposited with the government.Monthly 10th of the succeeding month
10GSTR-8E-commerce operatorsE-commerce operators are required to file GSTR-8, providing details of supplies made through their platforms and the tax collected.Monthly 10th of the succeeding month
11GSTR-9Regular taxpayerAnnual return to be filed by regular taxpayer summarising the entire information on an annual basisAnnually 31st December after the end of the financial year
12GSTR 9CRegular taxpayerSelf-certified reconciliation statement to be filed by regular taxpayersAnnually 31st December after the end of the financial year
12GSTR-10All taxpayersFinal return to be submitted by the taxpayer willing to surrender their GST registrationWithin 3 months of the date of cancellation or date of cancellation of GST order, whichever is later
13GSTR-11Unique Identification Number (UIN) holdersDetails of the inward supplies received by the UIN holders willing to claim a refund28th after the end of the month
14ITC-04Principal / Job workerStatement to be filed by the principal or job worker disclosing details of goods being sent or received from the job workerAnnually: For turnover up to Rs. 5 crores 25th April after the end of the financial year
Half Yearly: For turnover above Rs. 5 crores 25th October and 25th April after the end of each half of the year

Ensure Timely Filing of GST Returns

Understanding the various types of returns in GST is crucial for businesses to ensure timely compliance and avoid penalties. The GST regime aims to create transparency and accountability in the taxation system and proper filing of returns is a key component of achieving this objective. Businesses should stay updated with the latest changes in GST regulations to fulfil their tax obligations accurately and efficiently.

You shall ensure the timely filing of GST returns. Any delay can attract late fees and penal interest. Significant delays or non-filing of GST returns can even attract departmental proceedings. Therefore, you should ensure that you file all the applicable GST returns within the due date.

How Business Loans Can Help?

GST is an indirect tax law that is applicable to all the people engaged in the supply of goods or services. To ensure uninterrupted supply, capital plays an important role. If you are facing capital issues, you can avail of business loans with TATA Capital. With minimal documents required, you can seamlessly avail of business loans at affordable business loans at affordable interest rates.

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