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Tata Capital > Blog > Planning To Take A Break From Your Mundane Routine? Plan Your Holiday With Us

Loan for Travel

Planning To Take A Break From Your Mundane Routine? Plan Your Holiday With Us

Planning To Take A Break From Your Mundane Routine? Plan Your Holiday With Us

One of the most exhausting parts of daily life has most definitely got to be routine. It’s all about rinse, work and repeat. At some point, the constant routine begins to grate on us, and we simply crave a good getaway. However, like all good things, a luxury vacation requires a lot of planning and also a lot of capital. But, not to worry, a lavish vacation is not out of your reach, if you only follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Choose A Place

This is probably the easiest and also the most agonising decision you have to make. The world has an overabundance of beautiful places, and you might feel like you want to visit all of them at once. You might want a quiet vacation at Cyprus, or an exorbitant one in Dubai, or a road trip around Italy in one of its luxury cars. But one thing you should keep in mind is that the trip should relax you to the core and it should be full of luxury and peace. So choose well.

Step 2: Plan

Planning is the best part of a vacation. It brings the excitement of the vacation long before it actually starts and goes a long way to sustain us through the tedium of daily life, like the proverbial carrot at the end of the stick. Make an itinerary, look for the best places to eat and drink, look for romantic locales (if you are into that sort of thing). Book heritage walks in old cities, like Rome and Paris. Also, not to forget to get yourself a great hotel with excellent amenities that aids in maximum relaxation. Make sure to plan such that you immerse yourself in the full flavour of the local life.

Step 3: Budgeting

So here is where everything gets very practical. Capital is, of course, the mainstay of any plans you have. Plan how you will spend your money judiciously. Budget specific amounts for your living expenses, for food, for sightseeing, transport and shopping. Of course, the capital that is available to you may not cover the cost of your entire luxury vacation. But not to worry, all hopes not lost. Because this is where Tata Capital’s travel loan comes in.

Step 4: Apply For a Personal Loan

Applying for a loan for travel is now easy with Tata Capital. You can apply for a personal loan with capital anywhere between Rs. 75,000-25,00,000, for a period of 12-72 months. There are no collaterals, minimum paperwork, and it is easy to repay with flexible EMI option. So, don’t shy away from treating yourself to a dream vacation.

Step 5: Enjoy!