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Tata Capital > Blog > Planning for a Master’s Degree? Why Not Choose From The Top 5 in Australia

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Planning for a Master’s Degree? Why Not Choose From The Top 5 in Australia

Planning for a Master’s Degree? Why Not Choose From The Top 5 in Australia

Here are a few facts about Australia:

  1.  It is the 6th largest country in the world
  2. It has the second-highest human development index
  3. About 200 and more languages are spoken in Australia.

This may, in the beginning, sound like a travel piece, which it is not. 

Here is a list of some other Australian facts:

  1. Australia is currently the third most popular destination for international students, only behind the United States and the UK.
  2. There are about 1,200 institutes and more than 22,000 courses to choose from
  3. According to the Department of Education & Training, in 2017, there were about 7,99,371 international students enrolled in Australia.

These numbers are just some of the facts that we could start with. However, there are various reasons why international students choose to study in Australia of which the main reasons are cultural diversity and a high quality of education.  While the US and the UK are still holding the fort as the top destinations, a degree from Australia can also open the doors that lead to a successful career.

When you start doing your research on studying a Master’s degree in Australia, an important fact that most websites mention is that Australia is expensive.  The education system in any foreign country can pinch your pockets.  This should not deter you from pursuing your education in Australia.

While doing your research on various Masters Programs and courses in Australia, you should also take some time to research your funding options.  You could consider a personal loan or education loan to bridge the gap in case you fall short of funds. Financial Institutions like Tata Capital, can help. All you need to do is apply for an education loan, which will be an unsecured and collateral-free for you. 

Tata Capital also offers education loan at reasonable rate of interest which start at 11.25 per cent. What’s more is that you can repay your loan after you complete your course and get settled in your job. To calculate your education loan EMI, click here

Now, let’s take a look at 5 places in Australia, where you can do Masters:

1. University of Melbourne: The University of Melbourne is number one in Australia and stands at number 34 in the world. The MBA school here is ranked number one in the world. It has one of the oldest and largest academic libraries in Australia. The faculty teachers are renowned researchers and industry leaders recognized globally for their outstanding achievements. The university has around 47,000 students, including over 12,000 international students, and has been associated with nine Nobel Prize winners. It is one of the most-preferred destinations for even Indian students. 

University of Melbourne

2. University of Sydney: This one is one of Australia’s largest and most prestigious universities. It is ranked in the top one per cent of universities in the world and among top 20 in the world for Accounting, Civil Engineering, Education, English and Literature, History, Language, Law, Media and Communication, Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychology. If you aspire to study here, you can take an education loan and enroll yourself in the course of your choice.

University of Sydney

3. University of New South Wales: The University of New South Wales is one of the best in Australia. It is ranked as one of the top 10 in the world for courses in Accounts and finance. The University has produced more millionaires than any other university in Australia. It aims to be Australia’s global university by 2025. UNSW Sydney is currently partnered with over 200 universities around the world. 

University of New South Wales

4. University of Queensland: It is part of Australia Group 8(Go8) Universities, and ranked among the top 100 universities of the world. It has a 5-star rating for international student enrolments. The university is known for its highly awarded teachers, and outstanding alumni network.

University of Queensland

5. Australian National University: This place is ranked first in Australia and 20th in the world for producing the ‘most employable graduates’.  This makes it one of the best universities to do a Masters course here. They have Advance PG courses which is popular for being a blend of coursework and research. Students can do research for six months in the end. It is provided to students on the basis of their performance in the previous semester. ANU is located in the heart of the country’s capital, Canberra. It is the only university to be created by the Parliament of Australia.

Australian National University

So go on, give wings to your dreams and complete your Master’s from the University of your choice. Tata Capital also offers education loan at reasonable rate of