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Tata Capital > Blog > Vocal for Local: Local is the new global #Vocal for Local

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Vocal for Local: Local is the new global #Vocal for Local

Vocal for Local: Local is the new global #Vocal for Local

On 12th May 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi televised an address to the nation. As part of his speech, he announced a financial package of Rs. 20 lakh crore to revive India’s stalled economy after the COVID-19 pandemic. Simultaneously, this move aimed to kick-start the process of making India self-reliant through a ‘Vocal for Local’ call.

The PM, in his speech, expanded on what is vocal for local and stated the idea behind vocal for local is to make India a huge local market and take Indian-made local products to a global scale. He urged the masses to recognise the importance of local manufacturing, local markets, and local supply chains. He said that COVID-19 taught India the importance of being local. He said, “All our demands during the crisis were met locally. Now, it is time to be ‘vocal about local’ products and help them become global.”

The PM felt that leading brands of the world were once local brands, and they became global brands when local people started buying and using them. They branded them and then felt proud of them and started promoting them. They were the catalysts to make them global brands from local brands.

Additional Read Updates from Finance Minister Press Conference on COVID-19 Relief Package

The PM said that the world appreciated India’s production of life-saving drugs, and this should make all Indians proud. The PM felt that the COVID-19 crisis has given an impetus to made in India products as during the present crisis, it is the local people who have fulfilled the demand saving India from duress.

He further said that the people making local products need support, and it is every Indian’s responsibility to buy local products. He coined a new slogan, ‘vocal for local,’ meaning to not only buy local products but be vocal about promoting them proudly. He wants Indians to make local the mantra of their lives. 

Local is the new global #Vocal for Local

The ‘vocal for local’ campaign is a way of boosting demanding local products, and therefore, for domestic industries. When the consumption goes up, these industries can scale up gradually and become less reliant on external funding. And eventually, make India the centre of manufacturing for the world.

Go Local

The PM recalled the response of people when he had given a call for them to buy khadi to support the handloom workers. He said that people responded well, judging by the record level of sales achieved by khadi and handloom products in a very short period of time. He felt that the support Indians gave for the local products created a big brand out of khadi.

The PM said that his reverence for every Indian who has responded to the call for going local has increased, and he is confident that Indians will proudly buy local products and promote them to the global community. He said that he has full confidence that all Indians will know what is vocal for local and do their small part in making Indian products a household name all across the world.

On March 27 2022, PM Modi, in his monthly Mann Ki Baat radio broadcast, gave an update to the masses regarding the Vocal for Local campaign. He stated that India met its export target in the last fiscal and this was a clear indication of the demand for Indian products worldwide, meaning the Indian supply chain was getting stronger. He also noted that the government bought items worth over Rupees 1 lakh crore through the Government e-Market. He said this move helped small entrepreneurs and shopkeepers to sell their goods to the government. Additionally, the PM noted the rise in the market for Ayush products and asked entrepreneurs to focus on making and distributing their products to a Non-English speaking audience as well. After stressing the importance of vocal for local, he asserted that the nation could take bigger strides when resolutions were bigger than dreams.

We believe that Indians adopting the ‘local ke liye vocal’ mantra is truly a game-changer for making Indian products truly global. Let’s start with doing our part by becoming vocal for local India and buying and promoting local products to take India towards a definite path of self-reliance!