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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > 10 Best Small Business Ideas for Women in Hyderabad

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10 Best Small Business Ideas for Women in Hyderabad

10 Best Small Business Ideas for Women in Hyderabad

Did you know that the CIty of Nizams is also a hub for women entrepreneurs? So much so that the Telangana government launched India’s first state-led incubator, WE (Women Entrepreneurship) Hub, to support women-led small businesses. Do you also want to join this club? If so, here are the top 10 small business ideas for womenentrepreneurs in Hyderabad.

1. Catering

Catering is one of the best small business ideas in Hyderabad for ladies, especially for homemakers. It requires little investment, and if your culinary skills are supreme, you can even collaborate with large catering companies to serve high-end clients and expand your business.

2. Online store

Can you make an item that’s worth selling online? Like scented candles or crocheted bags? Well, then start selling your products right from home. Today, you can sell almost anything online, from apparel, handicraft, and dry food items to toys, among others.

3. Bakery

Gifted with patisserie skills? Then you can start a bakery from home. Since cakes and bread are always in demand, you can quickly turn your small bakery into a successful business. This may require an initial investment to purchase bakery essentials and equipment. However, you can easily cover the costs with a business loan from a reliable lender.

Additional Read: Small Business Ideas for Women to Start their Business Post Pandemic

4. Tailoring

If you’re good at sketching and designing clothes, why not consider doing a tailoring business? After all, it only takes a sewing machine to start one. As your revenue grows, you can gradually expand your business into a tailoring house with its own employees!

5. Handmade crafts shop

This is a wonderful small business idea if you have a knack for making showpieces, paintings, and other handicraft items. As you know, Hyderabad is famous for intricate handicrafts. Thus, you can sell your handicrafts to locals and tourists while making a steady income.

6. Private tutoring

As a private tutor, you can teach anything you’re good at, like Mathematics, music, English, or even French and Spanish. You can also take online or offline classes and charge hourly rates to start a successful small business.

7. Antique dealing

Hyderabad is famous for antique ware, and with a good eye for such items, you can buy and sell them to interested customers. While this requires a hefty investment, you can search for lenders offering favourable business loan interest rates and get an affordable loan to start your business.

8. Tour guide

Given Hyderabad’s countless tourist spots, you can set up a small business as a tourist guide if you know the areas well. This will barely require an investment, and you can also partner with travel agencies to attend to more tourists than when you started.

9. Pickle-making business

Achaar or pickles are foodie-favourites in Hyderabad too. If you are skilled in making tasty pickles, this is a great business idea that entails a low startup cost.

Additional Read: Development and Evolution of Businesswomen in India

10. Skill classes

If tutoring isn’t your thing, you can also start taking skill classes. Whether you’re good at dancing, painting, cooking, or singing, you can teach them to interested people online and generate good revenue.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are plenty of small business ideas for Hyderabadi women. If you want to start one yourself but lack funds, come to Tata Capital. Get an easy loan with convenient business loan eligibility terms, attractive interest rates, and more. To read about our loan facilities, click here.

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