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Tata Capital > Blog > Capital Goods Loan > 4 iPhone Models to be launched in 2020

Capital Goods Loan

4 iPhone Models to be launched in 2020

4 iPhone Models to be launched in 2020

If you are an iPhone fan, then 2020 is a year that you are going to love. Each time an iPhone hits the market, the hype surrounding it results in the curiosity of the public peaking along with a corresponding demand to purchase the phone at the earliest. Going by this trend, the next year will have enough reasons for iPhone admirers to be happy, as Apple is all set to launch 4 models of its flagship phones. Yes, you heard it right. Four models of iPhone in one year! Read on to know more about their potential features and specifications-

High-quality display-

One of the common things among the all four iPhones which are to be launched in 2020 is their display, which promises a visual experience on a smartphone. Three out of four will have OLED displays and the fourth one is expected to be a single LCD display model. The screen sizes will be in the range of 5.4 to 6.7 inches which will give your phone a sleek and stylish look.


Even though their exact specifications are yet to be announced in the market, you can rest assured for a superfast browsing experience because these iPhones will have 5G, which effortlessly triumphs over all other internet connectivity options.


The four iPhones are speculated to have a starting price range of Rs. 58,300 and will totally be worth the money. Moreover, there is a special audience for iPhones and if you are already a part of the group, we need not tell you the excitement that the launch of each such phone results into. If you are worried about the high price and are searching for ways to raise funds, a consumer durable loan from Tata Capital will solve your dilemma and will make it extremely easy for you to buy the phone.

Processor and camera-

There is information in the market that some of the new iPhones to be launched in 2020 will come with A13 processor of Apple which would increase the battery performance manifold because it is built with a second generation 7m process. The A13 is among the fastest processors in the world and promises smooth running of the device. There is also much to expect when it comes to the cameras of these phones. The phones are speculated to have a 12MP camera, which will be upgraded from the previous 7MP version. Some of the OLED handsets could also have the feature of triple camera along with a wide-angle lens of 12 MP. The phones will also have an advanced 3D sensing camera which will please the photographer in you.

The new iPhones to be launched in 2020 are already making ripples in the market owing to their inimitable features. Apply for a consumer durable loan now to have funds in your hand before the phones hit the market.