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Tata Capital > Blog > Capital Goods Loan > Front Load Vs Top Load Washing Machine: Select The Best One For Your Home

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Front Load Vs Top Load Washing Machine: Select The Best One For Your Home

Front Load Vs Top Load Washing Machine: Select The Best One For Your Home

Washing machines have made life a lot easier. With stylish visuals and impressive features, these machines have quickly become an irreplaceable part of our households. And what’s more, they keep evolving to make your life easier.

But, when you’re in the market for a new washing machine, an array of choices can leave you confused and disoriented. Especially when it comes to answering the question- of which is better, top load or front load washing machine.

But that’s all in the past. Because whether you’re wondering about top load vs front load washers’ pros and cons, the difference between top load and front load, or which washing machine is the best front load or top load, you’re about to find all the answers.

Things to consider while selecting a top load or front load washing machine

While deciding between front load vs top load washing machines, there are a few things you must consider to make an informed decision. These parameters help us understand key differences between top load and front load machines.

  • User comfort

The top load is easier to operate as it allows you to load the machine conveniently without bending. This feature makes it an excellent option for the elderly who might suffer from joint pains and find bending for a front load machine cumbersome. This creates a significant difference between the front load and the top load machine.

  • Reliability

Washing machines include a drum within, where we load the clothes. This drum spins during a wash cycle to remove all dirt from the clothes. In the case of a front load, the drum relies on gravity to tumble the clothes around.

But in the top load variant, an additional mechanism called the agitator is in place to support the spinning of the drum. And these mechanisms can falter over time, requiring repairs or replacements. Hence, if we have to answer which is better, front load or top load, based on reliability, the former takes the win.

  • Washing capacity

Though both variants come with all washing capacities, the front load is a better choice where a high capacity is required. Families with more than six members would suit a washing capacity of 10 kg, while couples and individuals would not need more than 6 kg.

Because of the agitator, top load machines with high washing capacity might need frequent repairs and are better suited for small capacities. Keep this difference between the top load and front load in mind while deciding on which one to buy.

  • Treatment of clothes

A front load washing machine has vanes inside its drum that move the clothes around gently. The agitator of a top load machine comes with fins that can be rough on your clothes. So, a critical difference between top load and front load is that the latter is gentler on clothes and contributes to the longevity of their lifespan.

  • Energy efficiency

Generally speaking, front load machines are more energy efficient than their counterpart. They consume as much as 40% less water and around 50% less electricity. Even their detergent requirement is lower. So, based on efficient energy use, the former wins with a clear margin in the debate of front load washing machines vs top load washing machines.

  • Top load vs front load – EMI cost

Whether front load or top load, washing machines are expensive household commodities. And hence, many financial institutions, such as Tata Capital, offer loans to help you keep your savings safe while meeting daily needs. And between front load vs top load washing machines, the latter is generally priced lower than the former.

Difference between front load and top load washing machine

Front load vs top load washing machines is a debate that can only be settled by analysing individual details and features of models in the market and how they fit your needs. But for your convenience, we have consolidated a list of differences between front load and top load machines here.

SpecificationWhich is better: top load or front load washing machine
User comfortTop load
ReliabilityFront load
Washing capacityFront load
Treatment of clothesFront load
Energy efficiencyFront load
EMI priceTop load

Why should you buy a top load washing machine?

After studying the differences between front load and top load, you must have gained a rough idea about both variants. But, when deciding which washing machine is best, front load or top load, it’s crucial to analyse your needs.

The top load machine is ideal if you’re looking at it for short-term use. Aesthetically speaking, top load machines are better as they have a sleeker, chic design. A top load machine is better suited if you have an unreliable electricity supply. And lastly, this machine allows you to add clothes mid-cycle, which its counterpart doesn’t.

So, if these sound like your needs, you have an answer to which washing machine is best, front load or top load.

Why should you buy a front load washing machine?

While discussing the differences between top load and front load, the front load came out as a clear winner. Apart from the benefits we’ve already discussed, these machines are less noisy and come with additional features like steam and self-cleaning.

So, depending on your needs, you can answer the question- which is better top load or front load washing machine?

Conclusion For Front load vs top load washing machine?

Deciding which is better, front load or top load, depends entirely on your needs. Both models are good, but the best one is subject to you and your lifestyle.

And after you decide between front load or top load washing machine, the next thing to worry about is financing it. But ‘worry’ is only if you don’t have a financial institution like Tata Capital in your corner. They offer consumer durable loans at attractive interest rates to help you live comfortably as you chase your dreams.

For more details, visit Tata Capital’s website today!