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Tata Capital > Blog > Capital Goods Loan > What to Expect from the Smartphone Industry in 2020

Capital Goods Loan

What to Expect from the Smartphone Industry in 2020

What to Expect from the Smartphone Industry in 2020

The top phones of 2019 are set to become even smarter in 2020. The best smartphones will undergo radical modifications and surpass the expectations of many tech gurus. Read on to find out more smartphone tips and trends in 2020.

The Smartphone Industry Will Recover

Aggressive promotions and improved technology, along with the introduction of the 5G band, is expected to rev up sales of top phones. Android is expected to adapt better to the rapid changes in technology, while Apple iPhones are expected to face some challenges as they are not going to offer 5G-equipped smartphones till later in 2020.

Foldable Android Devices

The Galaxy Fold by Samsung has taken the tech world by storm, and other companies are sure to follow. Huawei has already planned to launch a top-line foldable phone early next year. Initial versions suffered from terrible displays and cracks in the phone; however, constant innovation has improved the technology. Microsoft also plans to launch a foldable phone in 2020 and calls this version the Surface Duo, which features dual display and can carry out all the functions of a normal mobile phone. It will have 5.6-inch dual screens that will rotate on a 360-degree hinge, which is an improvement on the Galaxy Fold in terms of size.

Augmented Reality Accessories

Apple is planning to release Augmented Reality devices such as headsets and other hardware in the second quarter of 2020. The final product will be similar to Google Glasses, with the glasses acting as a display and the processing power supplied by the iPhone, which is wirelessly connected. Since Apple is a leader in its field, the best phone companies are expected to follow its lead.

New Battery Technology

The typical rechargeable lithium-ion battery used in mobile phones may face competition now. Samsung is now looking into manufacturing graphene batteries, which is more optimised and environmentally sound than lithium-ion batteries. However, further innovations need to take place before graphene batteries will be fully optimised for use. At present, they can charge fully in under thirty minutes, but it still needs more tweaking.

The best phones of 2020 may offer unmatchable features, but are certainly heavy on your pocket. Keep up with the latest smartphone trends and bring home the best smartphones by availing a mobile loan. Tata Capital’s consumer durable loans offer attractive mobile loan terms and repayment options. Our loans cover up to 100 consumer durables like smartphones, home entertainment systems, laptops and so on. You can get consumer durable loan with 0% interest and minimal documentation. You can also use Tata Capitals’s loan calculator to calculate the EMI on mobile loans. Get in touch with us today for more information.