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Tata Capital > Blog > COVID-19 > WFH > Work From Home- the New Normal in the Post Coronavirus World?


Work From Home- the New Normal in the Post Coronavirus World?

Work From Home- the New Normal in the Post Coronavirus World?

Getting up early and rushing to go to the office seems like a thing of the past! With the announcement of the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our daily routines have changed overnight. The most significant change is that of working from home. Work from home (WFH) was one of the Coronavirus lockdown solutions to curb the outbreak through social distancing.

With the Coronavirus lockdown becoming a part of our lives for an extended period, companies and offices are coming to terms with the work from home situation. A significant chunk of India’s workforce has been working from home since the Coronavirus lockdown began. But the critical question is whether this situation is temporary or is remote working- the new normal.

Perks of Working From Home During COVID 19 India

Several people who have been working from home are dreading the thought of going back to crowded offices, mainly because no concrete solution has been found to fight Coronavirus. Many predict that working from the safety of their homes could be the new normal. Employees working from home can easily see that there are many advantages to this arrangement.

There is no manic rush to reach work on time. Moreover, work from home (WFH) means an escape from the soul-crushing commute that not only leaves one tired but also eats away a lot of time from your working schedule. It also means that you can multi-task your chores while working through the day.

If working from home becomes a norm in the post-Covid-19 pandemic world, the real estate cost for companies will reduce substantially. Not only will companies reduce their overheads, the employees too will save money on fuel, public transport, and even day care.

Working-from-home can also benefit a company’s talent pool. Having this option will allow different groups of people to opt for jobs, such as persons with disabilities (PwDs), parents with young children, and even those who cannot afford to shift locations for financial or familial reasons.

Furthermore, if a work from home option is provided, then workers who move to bigger cities for a salary hike or better career opportunities will be able to work while living with their families. This will make the employee happier and more committed to the company.

Additional ReadChallenges of Working From Home and How to Tackle Them

Who Is Best Suited to Work From Home?

With the Coronavirus outbreak, several organisations quickly made remote working- the new normal, but not all companies have benefited from it. The work-from-home situation has been quite productive for information technology employees, consultants, some knowledge workers, engineers, etc.

Technology-oriented companies have found it easier to cope with this change and yet maintain productivity. But many traditional industries have realised that working from home doesn’t work for them. Finance, manufacturing, etc. are industries that are finding it hard to operate and maintain the same level of productivity from home.

For those companies who can manage a work from home situation, one of the biggest challenges is the lack of technological infrastructure. The digital ecosystem needs to be strengthened so that the employees can work efficiently. Companies will also have to form different HR policies, leave structures, work hours, etc. if they decide to provide this option to their workers permanently. Work ethics will also have to be redefined so that both productivity and leisure time go hand in hand.

Final Thoughts: Is Work From Home the New Normal?

There is no concrete answer to the question- ‘Is work from home the new normal?’ At the moment, it looks like a post-Coronavirus India will see more work from home. This option will work differently for different job roles and companies. Thus, only time will tell what the repercussions of this pandemic will be on how we work and interact in the long run.

Additional Read:- Best Internet Plans to Work From Home