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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Seven ways to protect your home this monsoon

Loan for Home

Seven ways to protect your home this monsoon

Seven ways to protect your home this monsoon

One of the recent ads that have been running on television is protecting your home, especially the exteriors, using a good paint during monsoons. While the majority of the ads are only using this as a gimmick, it is a fact that rain can cause damage to your home.

Now, there is no denying the fact that dark clouds gathering over the sky and the sound of a heavy downpour is incredibly pleasant to experience. But, there are many us, like the characters in the ad, might be a bit worried about the hassles the monsoon season brings.

Some of the most common problems include rainwater seeping through the roof and the nasty fungus layering on the walls and these are not sights any homeowner would love to see.

You have all toiled hard to put a roof over our heads and it hurts to see the damage rains can cause. So what can you do? Actually, quite a lot.

Prevention is Better than Cure

If you neglect to take enough precautions, your home might need extensive repairs once the monsoon season is over. This would cost you a lot more money than you would have to spend now.

While many of you think that they will tackle the problem when it arises, one of the main reason for the delay in home renovation is lack of money. This should not be a roadblock for you.

Ideally, lack of funds should never stop you from preparing your home for the monsoons as home loans are now easily available for even repairs and renovation. Financial institutions like Tata Capital provides home loan for renovation which covers external and internal repairs and other maintenance works.

The application process is simpler than you think. You can apply online for a home loan that you would want to undertake for home repairs and maintenance. Before you start your process it is important that you get a proper quotation for the kind of work you want to undertake. This will give an estimate of the amount of home loan you want to avail.

House loans also have differential interest rates and it is better to check the same before you apply for a home loan. As many institutions like Tata Capital give you the chance to apply online, you can also get a clear idea about the EMI that you will have to pay.


Knowing that you will be spending on your home loans for renovation, you will need to prepare a checklist. Here are 7 ways to protect your home from the monsoon rains:

1. Check for Leakages and Cracks

Examine your home for any cracks in the walls and the ceiling. This should be fixed to avoid the possibility of water seeping into your rooms. Water leakages on the roof or terrace could also lead to unwanted fungal growth.

Cracks and seepage on the walls and ceiling can be repaired by applying a coat of water-proofer or sealant. But if your ceiling or roof requires any major improvements, remodelling or repainting can be done after you apply for a home loan for renovation.

2. Caring for your Wooden Furniture

Moisture and wood never seem to get along, do they? During the monsoon season, you need to give some extra care for your wooden furniture, doors and cupboards.

The furniture should be cleaned with a dry cloth and then waxed and polished before the rains arrive. Sandpaper and oil can be used to prevent the wooden doors from swelling. Camphor balls or silica gel packets should be kept in your cupboards to protect the stored items from excess moisture.

3. Painting the Exterior Walls and Roof

Remember those ads we were talking about in the beginning? This is what they were talking about. Repainting your walls and ceiling with waterproof paint is one of the most effective ways to protect your home from heavy rains. In fact, engineers do suggest that this should be done every two years. While it can turn out to be a costly affair, funds can be comfortably arranged through house loans for renovation as most of them cover painting works.

But, do make sure that the painting is completed well before the advent of the monsoon season. Moisture in the air makes it difficult for the paint to dry well and this can reduce its durability.

4. Checking your Drainage System and Water Pipelines

A clogged drainage is a common sight during the monsoon season and you should make it a point that it is cleaned at least once every week. The water pipelines in your house should also be checked for any leaks and blockage. A faulty pipeline is a major threat for any home as it could result in moisture seeping into the walls.

But, major revamps to your drainage system and water pipelines could leave a huge hole in your pocket. If that is the case, you can always rely on home loans offered for internal repairs.

5. Keeping an Eye on your Electrical Fittings

Defective electrical fittings are always a big risk during the monsoon season. Faulty devices and wiring can result in damage to your home through short circuits, voltage drops and unexpected electric shocks. Before the monsoon season begins, you should be looking for loose unattended wires and broken switches in your home. Ensure that you get them fixed by an electrician before the rains start. Also, cover electrical switches on the outside of the house that are exposed to rain.

6. Combating the Extra-Moisture

The minimal sunlight during the rainy days does mean that the moisture in the air will be high. Apart from the foul smell, the extra moisture can ruin your walls, furniture and wall hangings.

Try to use soft and translucent curtains to maximise the little sunlight that is coming in. Keep silica gel packets inside your wardrobe to reduce the dampness in your clothes. Also, it is better to keep your carpets rolled away till the rainy season ends.

7. Improving your Ventilation

Have you noticed that a few rooms in your house are a bit too damp and stinky? Proper ventilation is vital for controlling the moisture in your rooms. So, the next time that you apply for a house loan and refurbish your home, do budget enough money to improve the ventilation in all your rooms.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. These 7 things can help you secure your home during the monsoon. A home loan for renovation from NBFC’s like Tata Capital can help you secure your home from the wraths of monsoon.

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