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Tata Capital > Blog > Home Repair Loan > Top Décor Ideas of 2019

Home Repair Loan

Top Décor Ideas of 2019

Top Décor Ideas of 2019

A house is said to be a reflection of the people living in it and hence, one decorated by you ought to be beautiful. There is nothing more fun than sitting with family and choosing your home’s design, colors, furniture, and more! The humongous amounts of things that are available to decorate your home will leave you spoilt for choice. To help you decide, here are some of the top five décor ideas of 2019.


Foldable furniture has become the norm for a host of households. These furniture pieces take up less space making your room look more spacious. If you have kids, you may want to consider furniture that is made of durable materials and which can be easily cleaned. No matter what, always make sure that your chairs, sofas, and other items are comfortable to sit in.

Faux finishes

The year 2019 has been the year of using faux and this doesn’t seem to be going anywhere for the next few years. This is because such materials are more budget-friendly and reliable. For example, a faux wooden ceiling beam will not bend or rot like real wood.

Colors and textures

Using colors and textures properly is the trick for a chic and high-fashioned home. Add life to boring, simple shades and muted colors with a subtle texture while adorning your walls. You may also opt for plain walls and textured furniture. Ensure that there are not too many bright or dull colors used in the room.

Carpets and rugs

Use carpets effectively to define spaces in your home. This works best if you have a huge room and would like to divide it into different sections. If you plan to go on the safer side and paint your walls with muted or subtle colors, you may use a bright colored or patterned carpet to add some bling to your room. Just like with the furniture, be sure that the carpets you select are easy to clean in case of any spills.

Curtains and drapes

If you use heavy curtains, replace them with gauzy ones. This will let more natural light enter your home. For French windows and doors, ensure that the curtain panels go all the way down to the floor. If you would like to accentuate a high ceiling, mount the drapes around a foot above the windows and doors.

While renovating your home can be fun, it may also get costly, especially if you are making any expansions or extensions. So that you don’t have to worry about such costs, many financial institutes have started giving Home Renovation loans. You may use these loans for beautifying your home, renovating it, making extensions, buying furniture, and a lot more. You can check your Home Renovation Loan Eligibility Criteria and make an informed decision. If you are eligible, submit the required paperwork and once your loan is processed, enjoy decorating your dream home without worrying about finances.