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Tata Capital > Blog > Insurance > How to Estimate the Ideal Life Insurance Coverage: The Complete Guide


How to Estimate the Ideal Life Insurance Coverage: The Complete Guide

How to Estimate the Ideal Life Insurance Coverage: The Complete Guide

Investing in life insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning. It gives you peace of mind knowing that your family’s financial future will be secured in the event of your death. 

But how much coverage should you get to ensure your loved ones are financially secured? And what factors should you consider to make this decision? 

In this blog, we’ll break down everything you need to know to estimate the ideal life insurance coverage to support your family.

Factors to consider for life insurance coverage

You must consider some essential factors to determine the ideal amount for your life insurance coverage. These include:

#1 Age and financial goals

Your financial goals will change as you grow older. For example, in your twenties, your priorities may be buying a car or a home. But as your family grows, your goals might change to support your children’s higher education or ensure a comfortable retirement. Your insurance coverage should align with these aspirations. Moreover, buying life insurance at a young age allows you to get higher coverage at low premiums.

#2 Income and earning potential

You must also consider your current income and future earning potential to determine your life insurance coverage. The higher your income, the higher the coverage you need to maintain your family’s lifestyle.

#3 Family size and dependents

Another factor to consider is the size of your family and the number of dependents you have. If you have young children or elderly parents to support, you might need more coverage to ensure their financial security.

#4 Existing debt and liabilities

When deciding on your life insurance coverage, factor in outstanding debts like mortgages, loans, and credit card bills. This will ensure your loved ones aren’t burdened with these financial obligations if you’re no longer around.

#5 Existing resources and insurance policies

Evaluate your current investments, savings, and other life insurance policies. These resources can offset your coverage needs and help you avoid over-insuring yourself.

Methods to determine the ideal life insurance coverage

There are four methods that you can use to determine the optimal coverage for your life insurance policy:

#1 Human Life Value (HLV)

This method calculates life insurance coverage based on the present value of your future earnings. It considers your age, current income, expected salary growth rate, and the number of years you plan to work.

This gives your family the financial support they would have received if you were alive and earning. You can easily calculate this value using an online calculator.

#2 Income Replacement Value

This method focuses on the income you would’ve earned post your untimely death. It uses a simple formula to determine the ideal coverage.

Life insurance coverage = your current annual income x years left for retirement

For example, suppose you’re 25 years old with an annual income of Rs. 5 lakhs. If you plan to retire at 60, 

your ideal coverage = Rs. 5 lakh x 35 years = Rs. 17.7 crores

#3 Underwriter’s thumb rule

This suggests a simple coverage calculation but doesn’t consider specific individual factors. According to the underwriter’s thumb rule, if your age is between 20 and 30, your life insurance coverage must be 25 times your annual income. If you’re between 31-40 years, your coverage must be 20 times your annual income. Similarly, if you’re above 40-50 years, you must get coverage of 10 to 15 times your yearly income.

For example, if you’re 25 with an annual income of Rs. 5 lakhs, your ideal coverage will be (Rs. 5 lakhs x 25) = Rs. 12.5 crores.

 #4 Premium as a percentage of income

To calculate the coverage under this method, your insurance premiums must be a percentage of your annual income. This is typically 6% of your income and an extra 1% for every dependent. 

Let’s understand this with an example.

Suppose your annual income is Rs. 5 lakhs, and you have a kid and elderly parents to support. In this case, your yearly insurance premium must be (6% x 5 lakhs) + (3% x 5 lakhs) = Rs. 45,000

To wrap up

Life is unpredictable. Having the right life insurance coverage can ensure your loved ones are financially protected if you’re not around. But when deciding the coverage amount, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. You must consider different factors like income, liabilities, number of dependents, lifestyle, investments, and more to make an informed decision.