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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > Give your Business a Boost with Tata Capital Business Loans

Loan for Business

Give your Business a Boost with Tata Capital Business Loans

Give your Business a Boost with Tata Capital Business Loans

Every small business jump starts on a high note of sheer enthusiasm and minimal investment, but when it really begins to take off over a period of 2-3 years there is a serious need for pumping in funds. This is the time when a budding entrepreneur needs a financial boost, which can be feasible with a business loan. Business loans enable growing ventures to keep up with their efforts to not only sustain within the competitive marketplace but also outperform.

How easy is it to secure this loan? Does it involve heavy documentation, running from one counter of the bank to another, and loss of time and effort?

New age financial institutions understand the significance of an entrepreneur’s time and efforts and are working towards making the process more digital, simple, and faster. Digitization of services doesn’t make sense unless it is extended to the customers. Likewise, growing and ambitious entrepreneurs like Shana and Maxi learnt the wonders of online financial assistance, but the hard way.

Shana and Maxi were Management graduates and decided to not take the corporate route like their other batch mates. They started an urban nursery, where they kept an exotic variety of flowering and show plants for sale. Over a period of 2 years, they had established their venture and it was time for them to take the big leap. They were now not just supplying their services to the households, but also for major hotels and corporate houses. Eventually, thanks to their enthusiasm and great communication skills, they started getting more and more orders from corporate houses and hotel properties.

They had to procure plants from the nearby villages and deliver efficiently in the city. For this, they needed to invest in building their logistics and buy couple of pick-up vans, which needed high investment. So, they decided to approach the banks for a business loan but ended up just presenting their business potential and market value to procure the loan amount that got denied. Over a period of few months, they heard about Tata Capital online platform for applying for a loan and decided to access the portal.

They entered some basic details on the portal and concurrently calculated the EMI on the business loan EMI Calculator. This enabled them to figure out the kind of loan they can afford and the duration that they will take to repay the same. It was way better than driving across the town and personally engaging with the bank officials. After the details were inserted, they had to upload some basic business documents and the loan was approved. On the whole, this automated the cycle and brought speed to the loan sanction process. Moreover, Shana and Maxi got their loan within a week’s time in their bank accounts.

Interactive online platforms are the norm of the hour and new age financial institutions such as Tata Capital believe in making it as user-friendly as possible. Every business needs an extra credit in their bank accounts and business loans extend the same. An online platform not only brings ease but also extends flexibility to the borrowers to make the business grow at their own pace and will.

At Tata Capital, we believe in instant approvals, no collateral, and flexible EMIs. Every entrepreneur needs to try new and fresh things to take the business further. Financial assistance is just a fragment of the process and online platforms help to make it available with absolute ease, speed, and efficiency.

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