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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > How Does Getting a Machinery Loan Can Help You Grow Your Business?

Loan for Business

How Does Getting a Machinery Loan Can Help You Grow Your Business?

How Does Getting a Machinery Loan Can Help You Grow Your Business?

Machinery forms the lifeblood of businesses, especially those in the manufacturing and production sectors. Your equipment must be up to par to promote productivity and reduce human effort. That’s where a machinery loan for business helps you secure the latest top-of-the-line equipment.

But, can these loans help your business scale new heights? Let’s see how.

Boosts productivity

From metallurgy, agriculture, manufacturing, transport, medicine to transport and packaging, all these are equipment-heavy industries. If your business is a part of a sector relying primarily on machinery and equipment, you’ll significantly benefit from a business loan from machinery.

That’s because your operational efficiency depends on the speed and capacity of machines; purchasing best-in-class equipment is a must. Secondly, the latest technology and high-grade equipment will help you deliver products quicker, without compromising quality.

After upgrading equipment, as your sales pick up, you can hire skilled staff to manoeuver this equipment.

Improves ROI

If you plan on buying equipment without a loan, it will take away a substantial chunk of money from your business capital. On the other, a collateral-free machinery loan for MSME or SME will ensure that your equipment expenditure doesn’t hinder your cash flow and keeps your day-to-day operations uninterrupted.

This way, you’ll successfully boost your ROI and ultimately profits.

Additional Read: Importance of Machinery Loan for Business Growth

Saves upfront costs and time

By availing of machinery finance, you can immediately access funds. Here, your working capital will not be tied up in purchasing equipment. Hence you can use it to take on new projects and expand the scope of your business.

Besides, the disbursal time for a machinery business loan is quick since it is a security-free credit. You can get the loan by submitting minimal paperwork online. With Tata Capital, secure machinery finance by furnishing copies of the following:

  • Photo identity proof–Voter ID, driving license, passport, Aadhar card
  • Certified bank statements for the last 6 months
  • Business proof documents sSales tax certificate, trade license, sole proprietorship declaration,  partnership deed, ITRs and computation for the last 2 years, P/L statement, last 2 years’ balance sheet
  • A report highlight how will use the loan

Favourable for small businesses

As a small business owner, machinery finance solutions can come to your aid if you are looking to scale your operations. How? With machinery MSME loans, you’ll invest in equipment that improves your manufacturing efficiency, which in turn quickens your turnaround time. This way, you will complete orders faster, meet production targets, and better your business relations.

Additional Read: 5 Tips to Improve the Odds of Getting a Machinery Loan for Your Business

To sum up

For keeping your business profit projection on an upward trajectory, equipment financing is a must! Looking for a reliable lender to get machinery finance?  Choose Tata Capital. We customise the loan as per your business needs, and you get to decide on a tenure, EMI plan, and amount you are comfortable repaying.

Plan your repayment by calculating future EMIs and interest amounts with our business loan EMI calculator. Score competitive interest rates, starting at just 19%.

Get in touch today.

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