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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > Ready to grow? We can lend a hand with Tata Capital Business Loan platform

Loan for Business

Ready to grow? We can lend a hand with Tata Capital Business Loan platform

Ready to grow? We can lend a hand with Tata Capital Business Loan platform

Launching your own fashion label and need finances?

Kiara always fancied about becoming a fashion designer and opening her own boutique, which was encouraged by her family as well. She started off her business in the garage portion of her house and in about 2 years her clientele increased substantially. Hence, she decided to expand and launch her own fashion label via e-commerce portals but was falling short of the finances to buy specialized tailoring machines and hire more manpower to start the label. Kiara approached the bank but her application got rejected due to inadequate documentation.

The bank informed her that she will have to submit last three year’s financial statements and some property as collateral. But it had been just 2 years since she had started the business, nor did she have any property to be submitted as guarantee. However, she was confident that her label will grow. Today she needed funds and banks had numerous rules and regulations to adhere to before extending loans.

While having a similar conversation, her financial advisor advised Kiara to approach Tata Capital for a business loan. Though a bit hesitant initially she accessed the online portal for assistance and was pleased to find it absolutely user-friendly and smooth. She ended up putting in all her details on the online application along with the required documents. Once her application was approved, she got a call from Tata Capital business loan team for further process. To her utter amazement, Tata Capital offered her business loan at competitive interest rates without much paperwork and minimum loan application processing time. The online portal seemed to be absolutely astounding and today Kiara strongly recommends an online interface over constant physical visits to a bank.

The objective behind business loan is to assist people who run small businesses and require capital to fund growth from time to time. With online access to loans, entrepreneurs get an effective way to manage capital and expand a business or working capital requirements in case of a sudden upsurge in demand for products or shortage of funds.

Every entrepreneur aspires to go big; they want to grow their business, but tend to get stuck in paperwork and other formalities. Banks have stringent loan allotment policies which makes it difficult for businesses to get easy finance. Businesses do have a lifecycle, and not every phase is loaded in cash inflows. Tata Capital understands the business complexities and provides easy online assistance for seamless financial management. The borrower has the option to increase or decrease EMI or pay via bullet payments periodically as per the financial condition of the business and online EMI Calculators come in handy to estimate the breakup. At Tata Capital, we understand and value your time, which is why our online application provides you with an in-principle eligibility and interest rate quote based on the documents submitted. A digital interface makes it convenient for small entrepreneurs to avail such loans and sustain their ventures with constant innovation.

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