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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > Steps to launch your business with Tata Capital business loans

Loan for Business

Steps to launch your business with Tata Capital business loans

Steps to launch your business with Tata Capital business loans

Among the many common likings between Neha, Dipti, and me, bottle painting and jewellery making topped the list. In college, this hobby became a means to earn some pocket money as we got many orders from our fellow students along with making good profits during college fests. Eventually, it struck upon us to turn our hobby into a business venture, and there has been no looking back since then. Agreed, there have been ups and downs, but three of us have grown together as business partners. We gathered knowledge about the various factors involved in starting a business such as business loans, interest rates, lenders, working capital, etc. eventually leading us to Tata Capital.

Finance is the backbone of any business – big or small, start-up or established, and I can vouch that Tata Capital understands this fact very well. Else, why would they make availing a business loan so easy? Yes, in just three simple steps, you can avail funds to launch your business:

1.    Check your eligibility

2.    Select your loan type, amount, and tenure

3.    Submit your application

The commercial loan offered by Tata Capital has many entrepreneur-friendly features such as:

I.    You can avail an unsecured business loan if your requirement falls within Rs. 3-lakh and Rs. 50-lakh.

II.    You can structure your loan repayments schedule as per your convenience and according to your expected cash flows with the provision of three Flexi- EMI plans:

–    Step-up EMI where you will begin repaying the loan with small EMIs and annually increase the EMI amount;

–    Step-down EMI where you will begin repaying the loan with bigger EMI and annually reduce the EMI amount; and

–    Bullet Payment where you can prepay the loan in parts, at periodic intervals.

III.    You can rest assured to get transparent interest rates on your loan.

IV.    Upon meeting all the eligible criterions, submission of a duly-filled loan application and all mandatory documents, your loan will get approved within three business days, thereby making the disbursement process hassle-free.

V.    If you are an existing customer of Tata Capital, then you can avail exclusive pre-approved offers on business loans as per your eligibility.

VI.    You can conveniently access all information regarding your loan online.

In addition, Tata Capital offers three different types of business loans to help you get the right kind of funding:

I.    Term Loans: Based on the amount of fund and repayment capacity, you can choose either a short-term, long-term or intermediate loans. These loans have varying tenure starting from three years for short-term loans to 10-15 years for long-term loans.

II.    Overdrafts: This is a temporary loan, where you can overdraw from your current account based on agreed terms.

III.    Working Capital Loans: These loans will enable you to meet day to day financial requirements to run the businesses.

And, the best part is Tata Capital will always assist you throughout the loan process thereby enabling you for a smooth launch of your business, as they did with us!

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