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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Business > Top Reasons Why An Online Presence of a Business is Important

Loan for Business

Top Reasons Why An Online Presence of a Business is Important

Top Reasons Why An Online Presence of a Business is Important

A whopping 97% of customers go online to search for local businesses!

Do you know what that means? Most of your customers are online, and your business should be too. The ubiquity of internet-connected devices has changed how people go about their daily shopping needs completely.

So, let’s understand the importance of online business presence.

Customers expect you to have an online presence

What’s the first thing you do after learning about a new shop? Do you flip through the Yellow Pages to find the business? Do you go to a nearby shop and enquire about the other store?

No. You Google it, and so does your customer! If a potential buyer looks up your business online and it doesn’t pop up on a search engine like Google, chances are they’ll switch to another business.

Customers expect to find businesses online, and that’s the first place they’ll check. So, why not create a website or a smartphone application to provide your customers with an easy way of reaching out to you. That way, you can engage more customers and increase in-store footfall.

Wider reach

Having an online business benefits you by taking your products to an unending ocean of internet users. How? That’s because you can only spread your brand name so far with word of mouth or by sending out flyers, renting billboards, and printing newspaper ads.

With an online presence, you can collect orders from customers worldwide. Consequently, your customer base widens, and potential customers find you more quickly when compared to brick and mortar stores.

Additional Read: How Taking Your Business Online Would Help in a Post Lockdown World?

Increases accessibility

You can be available for your customers 24/7 by having an online shopping portal. They won’t have to rely on walk-ins to compare and inquire about prices. They can do it in the comfort of their own homes with a simple click.

Moreover, even if a customer knows you but cannot find you online, chances are they’ll stumble on your competitor. So, besides having an online presence, you must ensure that your businesstops Google’s search results.

Don’t hesitate in seeking professional help from SEO firms to optimise your website with a robust search engine strategy. Use an MSME loan to comfortably finance expenses incurred in having a winning SEO strategy in place.

Cheaper marketing campaigns

Marketing a business with a solid virtual presence is much easier than traditional marketing channels. Nowadays, easy access to hordes of internet users through Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, etc., makes online promotions simpler than ever before.

Additional Read: What is a Key Benefit of Having an Online Presence for a Business?

To sum up

In the age of the digital revolution, having an online presence can unlock doors to scalability and unprecedented profits for your business. So, wait no more! Start your business’s online operations with no-security business loan from Tata Capital.

Our business financing solutions are customised to ensure your financial requirements are met. Enjoy extended loan tenures of up to 36 months and secure loan amounts as high as Rs. 75 lakhs.

Check our business loan eligibility criteria and paperwork requirements. Apply online today!

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