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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Education > GRE vs GMAT: Difference between GRE & GMAT, Which one is for you?

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GRE vs GMAT: Difference between GRE & GMAT, Which one is for you?

GRE vs GMAT: Difference between GRE & GMAT, Which one is for you?

Decided to enrol in a US business school? Well, the journey for every student starts with clearing a standardised test. Earlier, if you wished to pursue MBA abroad, you were required to submit GMAT scores. With that said, in recent years, many B-schools have started accepting GRE scores as well.

So, which one should you appear for? Do schools prefer one score over the other? These are some of the common questions that pop into the mind of someone aspiring to study abroad. After all, you want odds to be on your side when applying to a foreign university.

So, if you’re someone who’s wracking their heads over which exam to appear for, here’s the in-depth difference between GRE and GMAT to help you out.

The difference between GMAT and GRE

Score Validity5 years5 years
Test DatesAll-year roundAll-year round
ModeBoth computer and paper-basedComputer-based test
StructureHere’s the structure for GRE:
• 60-minute analytical writing section (two essays – 30 minutes each)
• Two verbal reasoning sections – 30 minutes each
• Two quantitative reasoning sections – 35 minutes each
• One 30-35 minutes unscored section, which contains experimental questions belonging to either the verbal or quantitative type
Here’s the structure for GRE:
• 30-minute analytical writing section (one essay)
• One verbal reasoning section – 65 minutes
• One quantitative reasoning section – 62 minutes
• One 30-minute integrated reasoning section
Scoring CriteriaThe verbal and quantitative reasoning sections are scored in the range of 130-170 in one-point increments. Analytical writing sections are scored in the range of 0-6.The GMAT score ranges from 200-800 in 10-point increments.

Additional Read – How Does a Good GRE Score Impact Your Education Loan Chances?

GRE vs GMAT: Which test should you take?

Comparing GRE and GMAT is like comparing apples to oranges, and both tests have an entirely different focus and scoring criteria. As a rule of thumb, if you’re from a non-business background or aren’t sure what major you’re going to pursue, you should go for GRE. However, if you hail from a business discipline and are clear about your goals, the GMAT will be the better choice.

Moreover, when planning to study abroad, having an education loan can help you tackle all the living and tuition expenses effortlessly.

Additional Read – How to get Education Loan for Higher Studies in USA explained

In summary

Ultimately, to get the most out of your exam scores, you should research your favourite colleges and learn their required score ranges. Another fruitful way of making the correct choice is to get your feet wet with a mock test for each exam. Doing this will help you gauge the difficulty of each test and decide which one’s more suited to your capabilities.

Let’s face it; abroad education is a costly proposition. From test and application fees to tuition and living costs, all expenses are dialled to eleven when you think of studying overseas.

But don’t let finances get in the way of your dreams. Let Tata Capital help you with your abroad education with our affordable personal education loans, which come with competitive personal loan interest rates, flexible repayment criteria, and easy eligibility.

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