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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Education > How long does it take to get a Student Visa to Canada?

Loan for Education

How long does it take to get a Student Visa to Canada?

How long does it take to get a Student Visa to Canada?

Canadian universities are quickly becoming popular among Indian students. And in the past years, they have also become more accessible.

You can readily avail of student loans for education in Canada. Additionally, the study permit approval rates for Indian students have jumped to 74% during January-April 2021, compared to 49% in 2020. But since the number of applications is increasing rapidly, you may be queued up for a while. So, it is hard to predict the processing time accurately.

The processing time depends on your application and when you submitted it. But first, let’s understand the basics.

What is a study permit?

A student visa, also known as a study permit, allows international students to study in Canada. It is a non-immigrant type visa that is valid for the length of your student program, plus an extra 90 days.

Additionally, you need to submit your visa along with your personal loan application. So, make sure you apply for it well in advance.

How long does it take to get a student visa to Canada?

Visa offices often face several challenges, as they operate in different countries and regions. They may move applications among offices to balance the workload, as they need to make sure each one is processed as efficiently as possible.

So, the chances are that your application might not be processed at your local visa office or the one where you submitted it.

The Canada student visa processing time may vary based on:

  • The type of visa application
  • Ban or travel restriction implemented during the time of your visa application
  • Any backlogs the immigration department is experiencing
  • The completeness and correctness of your application and supporting documents
  • How easily the office can verify your information
  • How long do you take to respond to their requests

How can I check my processing time?

Your processing time starts when the visa office receives your complete application and ends when they arrive at a decision. When your application’s processing is initiated, you will receive an acknowledgement email with an application number.

You can check your application status and the approximate processing time on the online portal of the government of Canada. Here’s how:

  • Select the application type as ‘temporary resident’.
  • Then, choose ‘study permit from outside Canada.’
  • Click on ‘Get processing time.’

The processing time you will receive indicates how long it took the authorities to process most of the complete applications in the past.

How to speed up your study permit to Canada?

Worried that your Canada student visa might not arrive on time? Here are a few steps that you can take to accelerate the process-

  • Apply online

Applying online for your study permit to Canada is one of the best ways to speed up the process. This is because an online process eliminates the time spent on courier or mail delivery, ensuring your application reaches the IRCC instantly. Moreover, online visa applications have a shorter processing time and allow you to track the status or upload additional documents immediately.

  • Submit your application early

Submitting your Canada student visa application early is a sure-shot way to receive it on time. Therefore, you must submit it as early as possible, ideally 4 to 6 months before your program starts.

  • Provide complete and accurate details

While submitting your Canada student visa application form, make sure to enter all details and upload all documents accurately. If any of the information is false or incomplete, the authorities will reject your application. Therefore, remember to double-check the form before submitting it so you don’t miss out on any detail accidentally.

Final thoughts

If your application is taking a long time to process, don’t worry, and be patient. In case your application is rejected, there is no need to get disheartened. There is no maximum limit to applying for a Canadian study permit and no waiting time between applications. So simply review your application, correct any errors and apply again.

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