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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Education > Top Universities in Denmark

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Top Universities in Denmark

Top Universities in Denmark

Year after year, students from all over the world choose Denmark to further their studies. Well known for being the birthplace of Legos, its Renaissance-era castles, bicycle culture, and Danish pastries, it is also one of the best places to study. Denmark has some of the world’s highest-ranked universities and is well-known for having one of the best academic systems, with many degree programs taught in English and world-class institutions. Here are some of the best universities in Denmark:

1. University of Copenhagen

i. Founding year: 1479

ii. QS ranking 2024: 100

The fifth-best university in Europe, the University of Copenhagen, is a leading research-based institution. It also provides students and researchers with opportunities to develop their talents and has strong interdisciplinary initiatives and academic communities. The University of Copenhagen has an extensive range of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. The most popular fields of study include arts and humanities, agricultural sciences, biology, and biochemistry. It accepts international students and offers over 50 Master’s programs with courses conducted in English.

2. Aarhus University

i. Founding year: 1928

ii. QS ranking 2024: 144

Aarhus University is the second oldest public research-based university, with almost 100 years of teaching history. Its student body is made up of 12% international students. Currently, it offers more than 50 subjects taught in English at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. The most popular subjects are economics, law, computer science, biology and biomedical sciences, and business administration. Aarhus University also provides many scholarship opportunities to international students.

3. Technical University of Denmark

i. Founding year: 1829

ii. QS ranking 2024: 109

The Technical University of Denmark is globally recognised as a leading institution for the natural sciences. It is one of the top universities in Denmark and is renowned for its sustainable practices and excellent study environment. The Technical University of Denmark has a wide selection of English-taught courses for international students. This includes a Bachelor’s degree in General Engineering and more than 30 Master’s programs in Engineering, Chemistry, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Health, Food, and Management.

4. Aalborg University

i. Founding year: 1974

ii. QS ranking 2024: 336

Aalborg University is one of the best-ranked universities in the world and has a wide range of study programs and research facilities. It is well-known for its study method, the “Aalborg Model for Problem-Based Learning (PBL),” where students can learn topics from a social and academic dimension. It has a wide selection of English-taught courses, making it a popular place for international students. Some popular fields of study are arts and humanities, the natural sciences, social sciences, and health sciences.

5. University of Southern Denmark

i. Founding year: 1998

ii. QS ranking 2024: 324

The University of Southern Denmark has five faculties that provide excellent engineering, health, social, business and science courses. This university is top-rated for its communication, information technology and biotechnology programs. It has many national research centres, and provides a supportive environment for students focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation. For international students, this university offers more than 60 English-taught courses.

6. Copenhagen Business School

i. Founding year: 1917

ii. QS ranking 2024: 18 (For business and management)

Do you want to have a career in business and management? Then Copenhagen Business School is perfect for you. It is one of the largest research establishments for business and economics. The university has an international learning environment and has over 1,200 international students enrolled in its Bachelor’s and Master’s programs. Most of the courses are taught in English, making it accessible to students from any part of the world. It provides courses in economics and mathematics, communications, international business relations, IT, law, society, politics, and business start-up and development.

Wrapping up

Whether it is the extensive research facilities at the University of Copenhagen, the sustainability-driven environment at the Technical University of Denmark, or the international learning environment at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark has many learning opportunities for international students. All of the best universities in Denmark are focused on overall development and exposure for their students and provide environments for them to flourish.

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