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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Education > Top Universities in Finland

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Top Universities in Finland

Top Universities in Finland

According to NDTV, Finland currently hosts more than 2000 Indian students and is a popular study-abroad destination. It has one of the world’s most highly regarded education systems, focused on equity and creating a relaxed atmosphere that cultivates creativity, cooperation, and learning. Coupled with its natural beauty and tourist attractions, this makes Finland one of the most ideal study destinations in the world. Here are some of the top universities in Finland:

1. Aalto University

i. Founding year: 2010

ii. QS ranking 2024: 113

Aalto University was a product of a merger between the University of Art and Design Helsinki (1871), the University of Technology (1849), and the Helsinki School of Economics (1904). With an almost 300-year legacy, Aalto University is now a leading university in Finland, focused on merging science, technology, art, design, and business. It has six schools and over 13,000 students, making it one of Finland’s largest universities. This university teaches courses in Finnish and English. For international students, it has several Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in taught English. Some popular courses are economics, engineering, mathematics, sustainability, and business management.

2. University of Helsinki

i. Founding year: 1640

ii. QS ranking 2024: 117

The University of Helsinki is one of the largest and oldest institutions in Finland and takes a multidisciplinary and research-based approach to education. The university has over 40,000 students and staff, 11 faculties, and multiple campuses and locations across Finland. Its strongest research areas include data science, mathematics, and atmospheric research. Its Bachelor’s programs are taught in Finnish or Swedish, with only one English-taught course. However, it offers more than 30 English-taught Master’s programs for international students. Its best courses are in arts and humanities, atmospheric sciences, meteorology, biotechnology, and space science.

3. University of Turku

i. Founding year: 1920

ii. QS ranking 2024: 375

The University of Turku is one of the leading universities in Finland and has eight faculties. It provides students with many study and research opportunities and focuses on instilling problem-solving skills, multidisciplinary education, and innovative learning in students. It is also one of the most international universities in the country, with more than 2,500 students from all over the world. Many Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programs are taught in English, and English is widely spoken on campus, making it a great option for students from outside Finland. The university’s Centre for Language and Communication Studies also offers Finnish language courses for foreign students. Popular courses in this institution include nursing, sociology, psychology, dentistry, and business administration.

4. University of Oulu

i. Founding year: 1958

ii. QS ranking 2024: 344

The University of Oulu is one of the best universities in Finland, offering students a world-class education. It has 8 faculties and allows students to be at the centre of groundbreaking research. The University of Oulu has 13,900 students and is strongly committed to providing an innovative, relaxed, friendly, and encouraging learning environment. It offers 21 Master’s degree programs and 2 joint Master’s and Bachelor’s programs in English.  The most popular programs are engineering and business administration.

5. Tempere University

i. Founding year: 2019

ii. QS ranking 2024: 462

Tampere University is considered one of the top universities in Finland, especially for courses in media studies and communications. It is a research-intensive institution and offers many programs in health sciences, biology and physical sciences, computer science, entrepreneurship, and communications. It has more than 1,000 international students from over 50 countries and encourages applicants from other countries. It offers many Master’s and Bachelor’s programs taught in English, making it suitable for international students.

6. University of Eastern Finland

i. Founding year: 2010

ii. QS ranking 2024: 535

The University of Eastern Finland is a multidisciplinary institution offering courses in over 13 fields. More than 15,500 students are enrolled in the university, and its campuses encourage students to share cultures and ideas. The university is known for world-class research and is focused on global challenges like aging, health and lifestyle, environmental change, and natural resources. It offers several Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees taught in English. Its most popular courses are business, law, administration, information technology and communications, and engineering.

Wrapping up

Finland is known to be one of the safest countries in the world and has a world-class education system, making it an attractive option for international students. Its universities foster a friendly, research-based atmosphere and promote life skills and cooperation among students.

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