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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > A Quick Guide to the RERA Act of Uttar Pradesh

Loan for Home

A Quick Guide to the RERA Act of Uttar Pradesh

A Quick Guide to the RERA Act of Uttar Pradesh

Do you want to purchase a RERA-approved home in UP? Or, do you want to register your project? If yes, here is your complete guide to the RERA of Uttar Pradesh.

The government established the UP Real Estate Regulation and Development Act in 2016. This act aims to prevent fraud by developers and real estate agents so that the homebuyers get their money’s worth.

What is the UP Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act?

The UP RERA came into effect on October 27, 2016. Here are the functions of the act:

●        To ensure all developers within UP disclose their properties

●        To hold real estate agents accountable for their projects

●        To register every real estate project undergoing construction

●        To offer quick grievance redressal services

●        To establish an appellate tribunal to address appeals promptly

Register for the RERA in 6 steps

  1. Visit the official website.
  2. Hover over the ‘Registrations’ button
  3. Select ‘Projects’ from the drop-down menu
  4. Select the type of user: Promoter, Project, or Agent.
  5. Submit your details, email, and password. This will redirect you to the registration page. Fill out the form and attach your documents.
  6. Pay the registration fee.

Additional Read: Check out What RERA Act is in Real Estate and How Beneficial it is

Documents required

A) For promoters

●        PAN Card

●        Balance sheet for the previous financial year

●        ITR for the last three financial years

●        The number of open parking areas in your project

●        Title deed indicating your title on the property

●        Encumbrance certificate

●        If you are the promoter but not the owner of the property, submit a copy of the collaboration agreement or joint agreement,

●        A written application as per Form A, sub-section (1) section 4

B) For agents

●        PAN Card

●        Details of your real estate agent enterprise

●        Registration particulars (including bye-laws)

●        Memorandum of association

●        Articles of association

●        ITR for the last three financial years

●        Address proof

Fees and charges

1. For real estate agents

Type of agentRegistration feeRenewal fee
IndividualRs. 25,000Rs. 5,000
OtherRs. 2,50,000Rs. 50,000

2. For promoters

Up to 1,000 sq. m.Exceeding 1,000 sq. m.
ResidentialRs. 10 per sq. m.Rs. 500 per 100 sq. m.
CommercialRs. 20 per sq. m.Rs. 1,000 per 100 sq. m.

3. Other charges

Any kind of appeal (subsection (1) under Section 44)Rs. 1,000
Complaint feeRs. 1,000
Withdrawal of applicationRs. 50,000 or up to 10% of the registration fee, whichever is higher.

Additional Read: What is RERA?

Final thoughts

​By investing in a RERA-approved home, you will get the assurance of quality, transparency and fairness. So, make sure you check if your chosen property is registered.

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