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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Can Green Homes be the Future of Affordable Housing in India?

Loan for Home

Can Green Homes be the Future of Affordable Housing in India?

Can Green Homes be the Future of Affordable Housing in India?

There’s no doubt that affordable housing options are the need of the hour. To combat the growing population, poverty, and urbanisation challenges, the Indian government has already launched various affordable housing schemes. But what if housing could be both affordable and environmentally friendly? Well, that’s where sustainable housing comes in.

Since green homes are energy-efficient structures built using cost-effective construction materials, they are excellent budget-friendly property options. Let’s take a closer look at what makes green housing affordable.

Benefits of affordable green homes

Save on energy bills

Did you know that green buildings can help you save a ton on utility bills? These homes come with solar panels that use sunlight to power the house and help you cut down on your monthly electricity bill.

Also, these homes are designed to let in ample sunlight and ventilation, which means you can reduce the use of artificial lighting and air conditioners. Thus, you end up saving a lot in the long run by choosing sustainable housing.

Additional Read: What are Green Homes? What are the Benefits of Environmental Friendly Housing?

Take advantage of water conservation

One of the most significant affordable green housing benefits is water conservation. Green homes are generally equipped with a rainwater harvesting mechanism that helps in collecting rainwater for future use. You can use the water in several ways, such as watering the plants or washing cars. Therefore, if your house is in a place that experiences frequent rainfall, you can easily trim down your water bill too.

Additional Read: Will Green Housing be the Future of Real Estate in India?

Use Cost-effective materials

It is believed that the returns from sustainable buildings can quickly offset the cost of its construction. In addition, because the materials used in these buildings are primarily eco-friendly, they promote a healthier indoor and outdoor environment. Moreover, since the buildings use only biodegradable materials in the construction process, they can also reduce the overall construction cost and make the property more affordable.

This is because using recyclable materials like wood allows the workers to eliminate the cost of buying brand new supplies. Every time there is a need for repair, they can salvage the material from demolished buildings and save costs.

Enjoy a high resale value

Lastly, because of all the benefits and green solutions, the resale value of green homes is expected to increase in the near future. This is because the appeal of affordable green housing is growing rapidly, especially among the young and eco-conscious homebuyers. So, if you’re contemplating whether you should invest in a sustainable home or not, this is a significant benefit that you must not overlook.

Looking for a green home?

Given the slew of benefits sustainable homes offer to buyers, we can safely say that the future of affordable housing in India is green. So, if you are considering a home loan to purchase or build an eco-friendly property, turn to Tata Capital.

We offer a wide variety of housing finance solutions that cater to borrowers from all walks of life. You can benefit from our competitive home loan interest rates, easy eligibility criteria and hassle-free application process.

So, if you have finalised your dream green property, get in touch with us today!

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