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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Complete Guide for an Eco-Friendly Home for Beginners

Loan for Home

Complete Guide for an Eco-Friendly Home for Beginners

Complete Guide for an Eco-Friendly Home for Beginners

With increasing threats to the environment, sustainable living is the need of the hour. So no wonder many people are going the extra mile to invest in eco-friendly residences. From using locally sourced materials in construction to installing solar panels, people are doing their bit towards a better environment.

Wondering how you can join them? Here are a few tips to design an eco-friendly home for beginners.

1. Grow greens!

Living in the city makes most of us complain about the lack of greenery and fresh air. So, why not resolve this issue starting from your home? Consider growing house plants and designing a small kitchen garden. This is a great way to add some colour and aesthetics to your house. Moreover, plants will also provide you with cleaner air. Combine this with open house windows, and you can enjoy fresh air all day!

2. Ditch the plastic

Since plastic is the greatest contributor to environmental pollution, make your home a ‘plastic-free zone’. Throw away any plastic bags you’ve been using for shopping and grocery. Instead, use cloth or jute bags for all your needs. Similarly, replace your plastic kitchen containers with steel containers and plastic bottles with glass bottles.

Additional Read – Eco-friendly House – Facts and Myths

3. Allow the sun

Don’t let that sunlight go to waste! Letting in sunlight in your rooms will reduce the use of light bulbs and electricity, helping you save on your bills. And not just that. Consider installing solar panels on your roof to start with your eco-friendly journey. By using all your electronic appliances via solar energy, you will save up to thousands on your electric bills.

And if you find yourself worrying about the additional cost, you can easily apply for an affordable home loan to cover the expenses.

4. Become energy efficient

Saving energy is a lot easier than one might think. No one in the room? Turn the lights off. Tired after watching the TV? Don’t forget to unplug the socket. Planning to buy a new AC or refrigerator for the house? Make sure to pick one with low energy consumption. Taking small steps like buying LED bulbs or using energy-efficient electronics is enough to make a difference for eco-friendly living.

Not to mention, you can save a lot on the energy bills, making your home loan interest rates payments a little easy on the pockets.

5. Manage your water consumption

Ever since childhood, we’ve all been regularly taught to save water for a sustainable future. The times have changed but the lesson hasn’t. To make your house eco-friendlier, get in the habit of recycling water. Reuse water wherever possible instead of draining it away.

Moreover, try adopting rainwater harvesting to save rainwater and reuse it. You can either build a storage tank on the rooftop or simply collect it in buckets during rain for later use.

Additional Read – What are Green Homes? What are the Benefits of Environmental Friendly Housing?

To sum up

Ready to build your eco-friendly house? Then turn to Tata Capital for reliable financial assistance! Get tailored housing finance options as per your needs at competitive home loan interest rates. Enjoy flexible home loan eligibility, structured EMI plans, and quick loan processing, all through a simple online application process.

Don’t let this opportunity slide. Use our online home loan EMI calculator and start planning your loan today!

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