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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Kerala Housing Board Housing Scheme: Benefits, Documents & Eligibility

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Kerala Housing Board Housing Scheme: Benefits, Documents & Eligibility

Kerala Housing Board Housing Scheme: Benefits, Documents & Eligibility

What is The Kerala State Housing Board Scheme?

Kerala State Housing Board is a Kerala government agency that directs and plans housing initiatives. Under the Kerala State Housing Board Act (Act 19 of 1971), the Kerala Housing Department has the key purpose of executing further housing development and loan projects to address the housing requirements of people from all walks of life.

The Kerala Housing Board was established after the authorities in Kerala launched numerous programs to boost the state’s economy. As the state’s economy improved, so did Kerala’s contribution to society’s welfare. The headquarters of the Kerala Housing Board is based in Thiruvananthapuram. The Housing Board gives loans to those who are financially deprived.

Eligibility for Kerala Scheme Housing Board:

  1. Applicants must be Kerala state residents.
  2. Identity documents, such as an Aadhaar Card, must be provided.
  3. Must have a bank account and present passbook statements.
  4. Applicants must have ration cards that list the BPL/APL categories.
  5. Applicants must not possess any land or property inside the boundaries of Kerala.

Benefits of the Kerala Housing Scheme:

  • The Kerala authority would provide financial support to houseless families with acreage to construct contemporary houses.
  • Under this scheme, low and middle-income families could buy properties at subsidised costs with subsidised home loan interest rates.
  • People who desire to build their endemic homes in Kerala would have no trouble getting a loan.
  • This idea will bring together modern company offices, retail stores, industries, and other amenities.
  • Furthermore, the plan will help build modern urban towns with roads, water, electricity, and savage services.

Kerala Government Housing Schemes and Programs:

Kerala Home Department’s major goal is to undertake further housing development and lending programmes to meet the housing requirements of people from all walks of life. In the housing sector, the department serves as a nodal department. Kerala Housing Board and Kerala State Nirmithi Kendra are two of the department’s primary businesses.

  1. Laksham Veedu Padhathi: The department provides financial aid to entities to reconstruct damaged twin and single residences. An entity in general, SC and ST categories are eligible for an endowment of seventy-five thousand and Rs.1.75 lakh, respectively, from the authority. The Kerala State Housing Board contributes 50% of the total, with the remaining funds coming from local authority departments.
  1. Inventive Housing Program: Under the creative Government Housing Scheme in Kerala, it was recommended that residential tenements be assembled on authority acreage for displaced workers in the urban region who fall into the economically unsteady part. In the authority acreage accessible in Poojappura and Thrikkakara, 212 tenements have been assembled to date.
  1. Tsunami Reconstruction Program: The board must operate as a nodal department to implement coastal housing and resettlement programs under this program (CHRP). As part of the program, houses have been assembled in districts such as Trivandrum, Malappuram, Kozhikode, Kannur, and Kasargod.
  1. Suraksha Housing Scheme: This programme provides financial assistance to economically disadvantaged members of society. Those qualified for this assistance are chosen and provided financial assistance to build a house if they possess at least 2 cents of land. Each home has a price tag of Rs 30000. The board has suggested a new Suraksha programme, with each dwelling costing Rs 100,000. The board intends to build roughly 2000 residences under this scheme the following year.


The Kerala State Housing Board is involved in providing urban houses and essential hygienic amenities for those living in harsh situations such as being without water or power, among other things. Keralites could enrol as beneficiaries to receive subsidies from the Kerala government and the Central Government. The board was established under the GOK Act of 1971. Kerala State Housing Board has been involved in designing, executing, and forming various housing programmes over the past 37 years (164 in total).


1. When did the Kerala Housing Board come into being?

Kerala State Housing Board, abbreviated as KSHB, was established on March 5, 1971, after merging with the former City Improvement Trust.

2. What are the best property contribution locations in Kerala?

Trivandrum is home to some of Kerala’s most noteworthy contributions. The country’s capital, Kottayam, is one of the most serene and quickly rising real estate investment options.

3. Is it worthwhile to invest in acreage in Kerala?

Property is always appreciated since available acreage does not increase; property can be sold, rented, or entrusted out, and you can make excellent returns on your contribution.

4. What is the major goal of the Kerala Housing Board Scheme?

Kerala Housing Board Finance Limited has created a simple house loan for low-income persons with discounted interest rates. People in rural and urban places may now build their own homes using this home loan technology.

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