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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > List of Documents Required for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Loan for Home

List of Documents Required for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

List of Documents Required for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) aligned with the “Housing for All” initiative. This scheme aims to rehabilitate slum dwellers and provide Credit Linked Subsidies (CLSS) to the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), Lower Income Groups (LIG) and Middle-Income Groups (MIG). PMAY has two verticals- PMAY- U (Urban) and PMAY- G (Gramin) and covers 4, 041 statutory towns.

Credit Linked Subsidy (CLSS) means that beneficiaries will be able to avail home loans at a subsidised interest rate; however, to apply for a home loan, you need to submit some documents along with the application. Here is a checklist of all the documents required for Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana as a salaried or a self-employed individual.


As a salaried applicant, you need to have documents for proof of identity, address, income and purchase of a property.


If you are a self- employed applicant, in addition to all the documents listed for salaried applicants, you need to have documents for proof of either a business entity or a firm, depending on the nature of your enterprise.

Here is a list of all the documents required.

Proof of identity

Besides PAN card which is a mandatory requirement for both salaried as well as self- employed applicants, you can present the following documents as proof of identity to apply for PMAY.

  • Aadhar card
  • Voter ID
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Photo- ID issued by the government
  • A Letter (not older than 30 days) with a photograph from a recognised public servant or a public authority that verifies your identity.

Additional Read: What is the Eligibility for PMAY Scheme?

Proof of address

The documents listed as proof of identity can be presented as proof of address as well, additionally, the following documents can be used:

  • Ration Card
  • Bank statements reflecting address
  • Rent agreement on stamp paper
  • Residence address certificate
  • Life insurance policy
  • Latest utility bill (phone, light, gas bill)
  • Credit card statements
  • Sale deed copy
  • Property or municipal tax receipt
  • Self or family pension payment orders (PPO) issued by Govt, employees, departments or public sector undertakings
  • Letter of allotment of accommodation from employer issued by State or Central govt. departments, scheduled commercial banks, financial institutions, statutory or regulatory bodies and public sector undertakings and listed companies
  • Leave and license agreements with the above-mentioned employers allotting official accommodation
  • Letter issued by a foreign embassy or mission in India and documents issued by Govt. Departments of a foreign jurisdiction

Proof of income

The following documents can be presented as proof of income while registering forPMAY:

  • Income Tax Returns receipts
  • Salary slips from the last two months
  • Last six months bank statements
  • A detailed balance sheet with profit and loss account (in case of own business)
  • Business account log audited and certified by a CA

Proof of purchase of property

The following documents can be used as proof of purchase of property while registering for PMAY:

  • Sales deed
  • Sales/ purchase agreements
  • Property registration certificate
  • Copy of receipts(s) made in the name of the developer

Proof of business entity

The following documents can be presented as proof of business entity while registering:

  • Shops and establishment certificate
  • Pan card
  • Sales tax
  • VAT certificate
  • SSI registration certificate
  • Trade license certificate

Additional Read: What are the Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Scheme?

Proof of a firm

The following documents can be presented as proof of a firm while registering:

  • Partnership deeds
  • SEBI registration certificate
  • Factory registration certificates
  • Export-import code certificates
  • Qualification or degree certificate in case of professionals
  • Registration No. Issued by ROC

Now that you have a list of all the documents required for PMAY, get in touch with Tata Capital for more information on benefits under the scheme.

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