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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Planning to Buy a New Home? Keep these Factors in Mind while Choosing the Location

Loan for Home

Planning to Buy a New Home? Keep these Factors in Mind while Choosing the Location

Planning to Buy a New Home? Keep these Factors in Mind while Choosing the Location

Buying a house is a big decision. There are a few aspects that you will always take into consideration. The first on every home buyer’s mind being money. How much money do you actually have and if it is not enough, what do you do?

Buying a house can be easy, these days with easily available home loans. All you have to ensure is that the house is has all its title, papers and approvals in place. Tata Capital offers flexible Home Loans to suit all your needs and ensures you have a seamless buying experience.

This brings us to the next important thing while buying a house, the location. Houses at good locations usually tend to be slightly more expensive, so before zeroing in on a property, it is important to check a few things.

  1. Distance from Office: Since you are buying a new house by availing a home loan, why not buy it at a place that’s closer to office? The daily commute to a far-off place can be physically taxing and time-consuming. Houses closer to the office areas might be a tad expensive, but the benefits that you will reap from it, apart from saving conveyance cost, are huge. Most importantly, you will save a lot of time that you can use to spend quality time with your family. 
  2. Neighbourhood: The neighbourhood you move into is a huge factor that can influence how satisfied you are in your new home. You must look for a community that suits your family’s lifestyle and personality.
  3. Crime Rate: Do your own research by reading up and asking people around about the crime rate in the area where you want to buy a house. Wherever you stay, that place must be safe for your family – your aged parents, spouse, and kids. They should at no point feel unsafe to stay in that place. Checking on safety is one of the most important factors while selecting the location to buy a home. Don’t forget to calculate your EMIs using home loan EMI calculator before applying for a home loan.
  4. School: If you have growing children, then proximity to school or college will be a huge advantage. The lesser time the kids waste on commuting, the better. They will find more time to rest, study and play. Also, whenever the kids go to school you will feel safe that the kids are close by, and just in case there is some emergency, they can be picked up from school immediately.
  5. Nearby Amenities: The house should be in a place that’s closer to all kinds of amenities that are needed in day to day life. A home where a supermarket, a bus stop, a medical store, a hospital or a clinic which are close-by makes it convenient for a family. If you love to participate in community and recreational activities, a club or a community centre, that too, should be nearby.
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