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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Things to Know About Telangana Land Records Online System – Dharani

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Things to Know About Telangana Land Records Online System – Dharani

Things to Know About Telangana Land Records Online System – Dharani

Do you remember the frustration of waiting in government offices to obtain land record information? You wished for an easier and faster way to verify land ownership details. Your wish is granted!

Many Indian states have started digitising land records under the central government’s Digital India Land Record Modernisation Programme (DILRMP). In 2020, the Telangana government also introduced a comprehensive land and revenue management system known as Dharani.

Here’s more information about how the innovative portal provides quick access to Telangana land records.

Dharani Telangana explained

Dharani is the Telangana government’s official Land Records Management System (LRMS). It allows citizens to access land records and perform various land-related transactions, such as property registration, mutation of land records, and paying land taxes. Citizens can use the portal to search for Telangana land records with survey numbers.

Dharani Telangana also makes it easier for citizens to submit online applications for various land-related matters, including pending Non-Agricultural Lands Assessment (NALA), NALA without passbook, Pattadar Pass Book (PPB) – court cases, duplicate PPB, PPB by institution, PPB – semi-urban land, partition, lease, and succession. You can also use the portal for registration of sale and gift deeds, General Power of Attorney (GPA), Development Agreement cum General Power of Attorney (DAGPA), mortgage, etc.

Dharani has a separate module for Non-Resident Indian (NRI) and overseas Indian citizens, offering land-related services. After creating a user account, NRIs can access agricultural land records and other application and registration-related services.

List of services available on the Dharani Telangana portal

The portal offers the following services:

●      Search land details

●      Search Encumbrance Certificate (EC) details

●      View prohibited lands

●      View market land value to estimate stamp duty

●      Apply for registration

●      Apply for mutation

●      Apply for NALA

●      View cadastral maps

●      Access registered document details

●      Mutation/succession services

●      Land conversion/NALA services

●      Application for lease

●      Registration for mortgage

●      Provide Land Valuation Certificate

●      Provide Agriculture Income Certificate

●      Provide certified copy of land documents

●      Market value assistance

●      Duty and fee calculator

●      Pay for registration and stamp services

●      Slot booking and rescheduling

●      Application tracker

●      View receipt and unit rates

●      Group registration and data entry by the public

Key features of the Dharani Telangana website

The efficiency and effectiveness of Dharani Telangana in providing land-related information are unmatched. Here are some of its key features:

  1. The portal is a single window for land record management, including the registration of immovable property, maintenance and updation of textual records, maps, surveys, and settlement operations.
  2. Dharani leverages the Geographic Information System (GIS) to update textual data in real time.
  3. It provides transaction-related information for mortgage, selling, land purchase, etc.
  4. Its automated operations ensure transparency and error-free record management.
  5. It allows hassle-free application for online registration.
  6. The portal provides a grievance redressal for land and technical-related issues and the approval and sanction of registered documents.

How to sign up on the Dharani Telangana website?

You must sign up on Dharani Telangana to avail of its services by following the step-by-step process given below:

  1. Visit the official Dharani website.
  2. Select the service you’d like to avail of from the options listed on the left-hand side.
  3. Read the information and press ‘Click here to continue’.
  4. Click on the link to ‘Sign Up’.
  5. Enter personal details like name and mobile number on the prompt screen that appears and validate using a One-Time Password (OTP).
  6. You will need to fill out additional details like home address, email ID, etc., after OTP verification.

How to check your Telangana land records online?

Accessing Dharani land records online is easy with the following steps:

  1. Go to the official Telangana land records website.
  2. Click on ‘Registered Document Details’.
  3. On the screen that appears, press ‘Click here to continue’.
  4. Fill out the form with details like district, document number/year, and tahsildar and joint registrar office.
  5. Enter the captcha correctly and click ‘Fetch’.

You don’t need to register on the Dharaniportalto view registered land records.

How to apply for mutation on the Dharani Telangana website?

Here’s how you can apply for land mutation on Dharani:

  1. Visit the Dharani Telangana website.
  2. Click ‘Apply for Mutation’.
  3. Press ‘Click here to continue’.
  4. Enter the details to log in and verify your account using OTP.
  5. Fill out your personal and property details and upload relevant documents to proceed.

You will receive an application ID, and your mutation application will undergo verifications.


Dharani ensures transparency during land deals by providing past ownership and other land-related details. Remember to check Telangana land records online if you’re interested in purchasing real estate in Telangana. Also, remember to check Tata Capital’s home loan offerings to reduce your financial burden.

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How can I check my land records online in Telangana?

You can easily access your land records online in Telangana by following these simple steps: 1. Visit the official Telangana land records website. 2. Move down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Registered Document Details.’ 3. Click on ‘Click here to Continue’ on the new page. 4. Provide the details that include the document number, district, tehsil and joint registrar office. 5. Fill in the captcha and click ’Fetch.’ 6. The required documents will be displayed on the screen.

Can I know about court cases and intimation on Dharani platform?

Yes, the Dharani platform provides details regarding land-related court cases, such as a restraining order or stay for blocking or unblocking lands.

What services are available for NRIs on the Dharani platform?

Dharani also caters to the needs of Non-Resident Indians. They can submit applications for the E-Property Passbook and execute other land-related transactions using the web platform.

Is the Dharani portal only for land used for agriculture?

No, the Dharani portal is a land record management system that stores data on both agricultural as well as non-agricultural land. The addition of non-agricultural land is a recent decision by the Telangana government.

Can I check encumbrance certificates on the Dharani portal?

Yes, you can check encumbrance certificates on the Dharani portal. It is a simple process in which you have to click on ‘EC details’ on the homepage of the portal. Then, you will have to fill in your mobile number and password. After an OTP authentication, you can access your encumbrance certificate.