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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Upgrade Your Work from Home Lifestyle with Tata Capital Home Loans

Loan for Home

Upgrade Your Work from Home Lifestyle with Tata Capital Home Loans

Upgrade Your Work from Home Lifestyle with Tata Capital Home Loans

It was January 2020 when the coronavirus outbreak first rattled the country, and only overnight, your ability to balance work and life demands had suddenly become essential. You were answering Zoom calls while showing your child how to carry forward to multiply. In a short time, you had to don too many hats, didn’t you?

Depending on your circumstance, you might have found some undeniable benefits and some not-so-dreamy realities of this new order.

Sure, work from home sounded like a piece of cake initially, but after a few months of managing work calls with your child’s daily routine, you know better than anyone: remote work can get exhausting.

And who is to say when the new work arrangement will return to normal? For all we know, it is here to stay a little while longer. But are you and your home equipped to handle this in the long term? If not, here is why you should consider upgrading your lifestyle to fit the new normal.

Build a home office

Does the scenario in this video seem like a familiar situation to you? Then you probably need a home office to separate your work and family time. The last thing you want is your child picking up your work lingo before they have even uttered “Mumma!”.

Having a space where you can concentrate fully on your work can be a game-changer!  Investing in a home office will help you get in the zone and work while your child sleeps or plays. Assigning a separate room as your workspace can also teach your child about boundaries and encourage a holistic environment at home. Truly, a win for everyone!

Additional Read: 5 Essential Home Buying Tips for Millennials

Add a meditation room

While managing work, home, and family, it is easy to forget that you need time for yourself too. After all, your mental and physical health is crucial and should always be a priority. That’s why adding a meditation room to your home is an excellent idea.

It can be your sanctuary (or your spouse’s or children’s, really!) where you can de-stress after a long day, practice meditation, mindfulness, or simply read a book.

Move into a bigger house

Does your blossoming business require extra space? Maybe your child needs a bigger place to run around when parks are out of reach? If your answer to these questions is yes, it might be time to move into a bigger house. Buying a new house is undoubtedly a significant step that requires extensive financial planning. But borrowing a home loan can make your job much easier. Especially with a reliable lender like Tata Capital, you can unlock the door to your dream abode in no time.

Additional Read: Top Things to Know about Home Extension Loan from Tata Capital

Parting thoughts

Navigating change is always challenging, but Tata Capital can be your guide in these unprecedented times. And if you wish to upgrade your lifestyle, our home financing solutions can help you buy a bigger house or extend your current home to add more workspace and amenities. With the attractive home loan interest rates and hassle-free process, you can purchase or construct the house you desire.

So, why only work from home when you can ‘work for home’? Visit our website to apply for a loan and bring your dream home to life!

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