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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > What Happens When a Home Loan Borrower Passes Away?

Loan for Home

What Happens When a Home Loan Borrower Passes Away?

What Happens When a Home Loan Borrower Passes Away?

If you have availed of a home loan, you might want to know what happens if you pass away untimely. Although this is a gloomy topic to ponder over, it is also an important one.

Housing loans typically have a longer repayment tenure, often lasting up to 30 years. During such a lengthy period, unexpected events can happen anytime. 

To ensure you’re not leaving a huge financial burden on your family, there are a few things you should know.

What happens when a borrower passes away untimely?

When a home loan borrower passes away during the loan tenure, lenders typically check for co-applicants. In the case of a joint housing loan, the co-applicant usually steps up to repay the outstanding amount. But if the co-applicant cannot service the loan for some reason, lenders reach out to the guarantors, family members, and legal heirs. Lenders also return the secured property to the borrower’s family if someone takes on the repayment responsibility.

However, if none of the members can pay off the loan within a certain period of time, lenders have to, unfortunately, seize and sell the property.

How to manage a deceased loved one’s loan debt?

After losing a loved one, if you and your family cannot arrange funds immediately, it’s best to communicate the same to the lender. As an exceptional case, the lender may be willing to restructure the loan.

Under loan restructuring, people going through financial stress have options like rescheduling EMI payments, extending the residual tenure, or gaining an EMI moratorium. Some lenders may even revise your home loan interest rates after evaluating your loan account.

Additional Read: How Can a Co-Borrower Increase Your Home Loan Eligibility?

Can housing loan insurance help?

While we cannot predict the future, preparing for the worst is always a wise move. Signing up for housing loan insurance is one way to ensure that the burden of repayment will not crush your family after your passing.

There are two categories of housing loan insurance you can go for –

  • Term Insurance: The insurance amount is paid directly to the nominee, who can use it to pay off the loan and all associated liabilities.
  • Separate Home Insurance: The insurer pays the lender the outstanding loan amount directly.

With the right plan for your housing loan, you can rest assured that the insurer will repay the outstanding loan amount in case of your demise.

Besides, you might have to pay the premium amount alongside the EMI if you’re opting for insurance. If so, make sure to use a home loan EMI calculator to understand your liabilities and plan your finances accordingly.

Additional Read: Home Loan Tips for Women Borrowers

In summary

In case of the unexpected demise of your loved one, speak to the lender and revise the loan terms. In the long run, it is also wiser to get your housing loan insured.

Are you looking for housing loan options? Turn to a reputable lender such as Tata Capital. With our wide-ranging loan offerings and attractive terms, avail of a quick housing loan to buy or construct a brand-new home. Check your home loan eligibility here.

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