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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Home > Why Buying A Green Home Is A Must Today

Loan for Home

Why Buying A Green Home Is A Must Today

Why Buying A Green Home Is A Must Today

The need for sustainability shapes a lot of purchase decisions in today’s environmentally-conscious consumer market. Everything from retail to real estate is highlighting the importance of ‘going green.’ This explains the rising popularity of eco-friendly homes, eco-houses, or green homes. 

A green home is a housing unit that is designed in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and reduces wastage. These homes use non-toxic materials which are often recycled, 100% ethical, and more sustainable than traditional ones. Their design, construction, and overall operations are mindful of the environment’s needs. As innovations emerge, modern sustainable homes are being designed in ways that can adapt to a changing environment. And not only are eco-friendly houses beneficial for the environment and the ecosystem, but they also improve the quality of life of their residents! 

In this article, we will highlight 6 benefits of buying green, environmentally-friendly homes and how you can achieve your dream of sustainable, healthy living.  

6 Benefits of Buying a Green Home

If you want to purchase a home to live in or for investment purposes, why not opt for a green home this time? These homes have a host of benefits for your finances, health, and the environment. 

Here are six benefits of buying a green, sustainable home in India.  

#1 Eco-friendly houses reduce the negative impacts on the environment 

Eco-friendly homes use non–toxic, recyclable materials that reduce the negative effect of housing on the environment. Their design also incorporates environment-friendly features that facilitate clean living and the conservation of resources. 

One such example is rainwater harvesting. Water scarcity is a rising concern in many cities which have large populations. An eco-friendly house can help save water using rainwater harvesting techniques to reuse rainwater for other purposes. Similarly, many green technology based homes also have evaporative cooling systems that save energy. 

#2 Eco-houses make power consumption more sustainable and affordable 

Green housing units and projects use renewable sources, solar energy and wind energy, for generating power. Not only is this easy on your pocket, but also beneficial for the environment. Here are three ways how: 

  • Solar panels reduce dependency on coal-based electricity generation. 
  • Eco-housing units have innovative designs crafted to allow plenty of natural lighting in the house. So, you do not need to switch on lights during the daytime.
  • They use energy-efficient electrical fittings to maximise power-saving. 

#3 Living in a home that uses natural resources improves your health

When you live in a house with plenty of natural lighting, greenery, indoor plants, and fresh air, you get to enjoy many health benefits! Here is how sustainable homes achieve this: 

  • In an eco-friendly house, the architecture supports plenty of natural light and facilitates uninterrupted air circulation. 
  • Cross-ventilation, air-purifying indoor plants, and exhaust fans always ensure you have clean air to breathe. 
  • Air purification and natural lighting measures also have long-term health benefits. Fresh air helps maintain your respiratory health and natural light helps increase vitamin D levels. 
  • The interiors of sustainable homes also use eco-friendly paints and materials which do not harm the body. 

#4 Eco-houses are low maintenance 

Did you know that operating and maintenance costs can account for as much as 80% of the lifetime costs of a house? That’s right. When you purchase a home, not only do you pay for its costs upfront, but you also sign up for recurring payments towards its operation and maintenance. 

Since green or eco-homes help reduce the consumption of electricity and water, their overall maintenance costs are low. While you need to invest a large sum when you buy an eco-friendly home, they will help you save on water bills and electricity bills in the long term. 

#5 Eco-friendly materials make eco-homes last long

The use of highly efficient recycled materials in sustainable homes makes them more durable than traditional houses.  

To achieve maximum material efficiency, materials are recycled and processed in a manner that allows you to achieve superior quality with minimal waste. Architects and civil engineers also ensure that they use the minimum amount of materials for construction. The result? A sustainable, comfortable housing unit that can stand the test of time. 

#6 Homes constructed in eco-friendly ways have higher resale values

If you buy an eco-friendly home today, you can resell it for a much higher price in the future. Sustainability is not a passing trend. Instead, it is increasingly becoming popular worldwide. In the future, eco-homes are likely to have a high resale value. This makes them a lucrative investment option as well! 

Can I get a home loan for green homes in India? 

Yes! You can avail of a housing loan to buy an eco-friendly home in India, just like you can for traditional homes. Several banks and lenders offer special home loans for sustainable housing at attractive interest rates. Besides, many state governments also offer special incentives for purchasing eco-houses. So, if you take a loan to purchase an eco-friendly house, you can enjoy affordable rates of interest and concessions on processing fees. 

If you want to buy an eco-friendly home or build one, you will need to invest a little more money than in traditional homes. Since they are still a novel concept, the cost of a green or eco-friendly home can vary from a few lakhs to a few crores. These costs also depend on their size and location. 

To sum up

Green homes can very well be the best investment you can make towards your health, the planet’s well-being, and your finances. 

If you need funds to achieve your dream of being a homeowner, Tata Capital is here to help. Tata Capital offers home loans at attractive interest rates and easy repayment options. You can avail of a home loan of up to Rs. 5 crores with a simple online application. No need for cumbersome paperwork or visiting our branch – take advantage of convenient housing finance right from the comfort of your home. Plus, you can plan your repayment journey and estimate your EMIs with our handy home loan EMI calculator

Visit our website to learn more about our home loan offerings, check your home loan eligibility and apply online.

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