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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > 11 Travel Apps you need for your next holiday

Loan for Travel

11 Travel Apps you need for your next holiday

11 Travel Apps you need for your next holiday

The best thing about travelling is experiencing the newness of it. New places, new culture, new people… it takes you out of your comfort zone and lets you surround yourself with the best of the world.

Everyone enjoys the perks of travel. It gives you a chance to relax and just let yourself be. However, all things have two sides to it and so does travel. Any kind of travel will cost you money. This is a given fact. There is no such thing as a free lunch or a free vacation either. Unless of course you have hit the lottery or have someone else sponsoring your entire trip.

If you are not as lucky as those people, then chances are you will be funding your solo or family holiday. If already budgeted with your financial goals, then you will not be spending any money from your savings to plan your holiday.

What if you have not started on this? Now, it will be too late to go buy a lottery ticket so you could win, especially when chances are slim.

What do you do? Don’t get worried about it as you can easily apply for a travel loan.

Before you shun the idea of a loan for travel, you should know that this is one of the best ways to still go for the vacation without dipping into your savings.

The concept of a travel loan is very simple. It is a personal loan. It does not require any collateral. It gets disbursed within 72 hours of approval.

Now that these 3 simple things have gotten your attention, you can also check for your travel loan eligibility online before you apply. You can also calculate your EMIs on the personal loan calculator so that you get a good idea about your EMIs as well as your interest rates.

 Like mentioned, applying for a personal loan for travel is simple.

You just need to have your KYC documents in order, with your salary slips and bank statements. You apply and get approved and continue your travel planning. Many NBFC’s like Tata Capital provide personal loans for travel. Their procedure is as simple as the one mentioned above, as they know the importance of a good and satisfying holiday.

With the entire worry about money out of the way, you can start your travel planning without stress. However, now comes the second major aspect of a holiday, the actual planning.

App is the word

Now that you decide to strap on your travel boots and head out to explore the world, there are some things which you absolutely cannot leave without. Topping that list is your passport, credit or debit cards, the right attire and of course your phone.

Without diverting the topic, your phone has become one of the most important instruments in your life. However, did you know you can also plan your entire travel on your phone as well? The right kind of Apps can help you not only plan your holiday but also help you during the holiday period.

Having the right travel aid apps on your phone, before a journey is crucial. Here are a few of the useful ones

1. Expedia: Expedia is your go-to app for air, train, bus bookings including hotels and stays. It’s a one-stop shop for all your travel and accommodation bookings. Expedia is a valuable tool during the course of your journey.

2. Skyscanner: If you are looking for the best airfares for your next trip, Skyscanner is the app to choose from. Once you enter your destination of choice, the app will tell you which of the sites has the best airfares for your destination. If you have budgeted your flight fares while applying for your travel loan you can choose the best flight, irrespective of the cost so you can have a comfortable travel experience.

3. Google Maps: With Google Maps you are never lost! It is one of the best navigation apps amongst the current ones. Though you need a wifi or a data network to download new routes, you can also save unlimited numbers of maps for offline use. The GPS still works without a network signal, making it a very useful tool. So you need not worry about bad network reception. Just set your location and go.

4. Citymapper: Citymapper offers excellent maps to get around in a big unknown city. Along with the maps, you can also look for biking, driving or walking directions, including Uber integration. Citymapper also provides information on convenient exit routes from the train, bus stations and airports.

5. Accuweather: A weather app is an indispensable tool during your travels. Accuweather gives you accurate hourly, daily, monthly and seasonal weather updates, which helps while planning a tour and also during the journey. The app is available in more than 100 languages with minute by minute local forecasts.

6. XE Currency: XE Currency helps out in currency conversion, saving a lot of money in currency exchange while dealing with unfamiliar exchange rates. You can convert all the world currencies right from the important ones like Dollars, Euros, and Pounds to the lesser known currencies across the world. A very useful tool during an international journey.

7. Tripit: Whenever you get an online booking done, forward your booking to Tripit. Tripit makes an automated itinerary for you. The app aggregates all your bookings and sends you timely reminders so that you don’t miss anything.

8. Google Translate: With Google Translate you can never get stuck in an unknown land due to an inability to communicate. Google Translate lets you even download the language for offline use as well. The most interesting feature is the Cue Cards, in which you can type a phrase in your language and the app with a display full-screen translation for you.

9. Airbnb: Airbnb is a boon for the offbeat travellers who are looking for something different than the regular hotel stays. Airbnb offers personalized home stays and a chance to interact with local hosts, who provide invaluable local information. You can enjoy a range of interesting activities like cooking classes, kayak adventures in hiking and trekking and many others. Your personal loan for travel will give you the freedom to stay in the best places so that you are comfortable during your break time.

10. Tripadvisor: Tripadvisor provides you information about everything about the destination, right from the user reviews of the sightseeing options to reviews of hotels and restaurants. The Tripadvisor forum also provides valuable tips and a wealth of information by the users. In addition to all this, the app lets you download free city guides for offline use. Enjoy the best meals, sites and do not worry about where the money will come from because your travel loan will take care of those expenses as well.

11. Uber: Instead of haggling for a local transport or negotiating with cab drivers who quote steep fares or when you are unsure about the address, Uber is your best bet. Uber changes fixed fares from point to point so you get the right fare for your journey. With a widespread global presence, Uber is just an app away! Personal loan for travel are easy to avail and are short-term based, which does not affect your credit history much. You can pay it off in easy installments and not have to worry about finances while you enjoy your dream vacation. In the end, travel is not just the destination, but a journey, they say. So do not let monetary woes bog you down. With easy travel loans, your dream holiday is just a click away.