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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Boost Your Adrenaline by Doing These Adventure Sports

Loan for Travel

Boost Your Adrenaline by Doing These Adventure Sports

Boost Your Adrenaline by Doing These Adventure Sports

Adventure is stitched into people’s lives. In ancient times, daily struggle for survival was all the adrenaline rush they needed. In contrast, our lives today are filled with office desks and smartphones, leaving us craving for a rush of adrenaline that makes us feel alive.

Yet in the midst of all the monotony, there are certain adventure sports that will ensure that you receive your required dose of adrenaline.

1. Bungee Jumping

Linked all the way back to the manhood ritual of ‘land diving’, this extreme sport is surely not for the faint of heart. Imagine yourself being hurtled down from a height of around 120 to 700ft and that too in a trampoline-like fashion. The thought of it can either produce fear or a thirst for adventure. The best place to experience this exhilarating sport is China’s Macau Tower, also considered to be the mecca for bungee jumping.

2. Skydiving

With the introduction of this extreme sport, nobody needs to envy the birds of the air. If free falling from a height of 15000 ft at a speed of 120mph for a minute followed by a five-minute tranquil parachute gliding sounds like the next best thing since sliced bread, then skydiving ought to be on your bucket list. Out of all great locations, none gives a more picturesque experience than skydiving in Interlaken, Switzerland.

3. Scuba diving

What amazing times we live in! Today, people have the opportunity to not only fly like birds but even dive like fishes. What better way to do that than to scuba dive into the depths of the ocean and have a one-on-one with the rich marine flora and fauna. Scuba diving will give you both an adrenaline rush and an ethereal experience. The Barracuda Point of Sipadan Island, Malaysia is one of the best wreck dives in the world.

4. Trekking

“The human spirit needs places where nature has not been re-arranged by the hand of man.” If this is something you wholeheartedly believe in, Trekking is the sport for you. The simple act of walking in the untamed wilderness where uncertainty is the norm can be both thrilling and de-stressing. The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is one of the most famous trekking trails owing to the diversity of landscapes it traverses.

5. Wing Walking

What started as a way of satisfying war-time pilots’ appetite for danger has today become an extreme adventure sport open to any lion-hearted individual. This daredevil stunt involves strapping yourself to an airplane and moving along the wings of the biplane during flight. Mason Wing Walking Academy of Sequim offers a wing walking experience like no other.

If you’re an adrenaline junkie and would love to treat yourself with an adventurous vacation but are hesitating due to a shortage of funds, consider applying for a personal loan for travel. Various financial institutions such as Tata Capital provide easy EMI-based travel loans for a maximum period of 60 months. You can head to their website in order to get details regarding the personal loan eligibility criteria. Head off on your next adventure!