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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Check Out These Famous Historical Places in Malaysia

Loan for Travel

Check Out These Famous Historical Places in Malaysia

Check Out These Famous Historical Places in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country that boasts of an illustrious past. You will find tales of battles, struggles, triumphs, and bravery galore here. This very glorious past of the country has also ensured it has several places of historical interest that form a significant part of its charm and character. You do not need to be a history buff to fall in love with the beauty of Malaysia’s ancient palaces, old churches, and towering forts. Many tourists visit Malaysia mainly to check out the historical spots listed below.

Melaka Sultanate Palace

You will find the Malacca Cultural Museum housed in the palace these days. It offers you an insight into the Malay Kingdom of the past. It was modelled on the designs of Malay Annals of the olden days. It has now been reconstructed and lies below the St. Paul’s Hills. The palace gives you a peek into the glorious past of the country with its wide range of ancient artifacts.

St. Paul’s Church

If you have reached the foot of the St. Paul’s Hill to check out the Melaka Sultanate Palace, trek to the top and visit the St. Paul’s Church as well. It was once a place for the Portuguese Catholics but is now a burial ground. The tombstones have both Latin and Portuguese inscriptions. Those of noble descent are buried at this place. An interesting piece of trivia is the fact that this is the place where St. Francis Xavier was buried before his body was moved to India. 

​The Chinese Hill

Chinese Hill is known to be the largest cemetery outside China. The remains here date way back to the Ming Dynasty. The locals believe that the place was a gift to Princess Hang Li Poh by the Chinese Emperor. It was then that a well was built on the premises. The well has never dried till date. People believe it has magical qualities and throws in coins and make a wish. 

Fort Cornwallis

There was a time when Penang was heavily guarded, and Fort Cornwallis stands tall as the reminder of that era. This is one of the oldest sites in Malaysia, and it gets its name from that of a former Governor-General of India. Lord Cornwallis was a noted British general who served in India. In this majestic fort, you will notice how prison cells looked like in the past. 

The history buff in you can now avail of a loan for travel from Tata Capital and fulfill your dream of visiting the historical sites of Malaysia. Applying for this loan is just as simple as when you apply for personal loan. Just how a personal loan helps you tide over financial emergencies, a loan for travel helps you travel to your heart’s content.

Have you checked your travel loan eligibility yet? If not, make sure you do so before you apply for a loan? Check the eligibility for a travel loan today. Once your loan is approved following a simple process, Malaysia is just a flight away.