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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > List of Holidays in Chhattisgarh

Loan for Travel

List of Holidays in Chhattisgarh

List of Holidays in Chhattisgarh

Are you planning a trip to Chhattisgarh? This vibrant state in central India is known for its natural beauty, rich culture, and historical sites. To make the most of your trip, it is essential to be aware of the holidays in Chhattisgarh. In this blog, we will provide you with a list of holidays in Chhattisgarh for the year 2025, as well as some information about these holidays. So, let’s dive in!

Chhattisgarh is a state that is brimming with natural beauty, from lush forests and waterfalls to picturesque hills and wildlife sanctuaries. Whether you are interested in exploring the ancient caves of Bastar, experiencing the tribal culture, or marveling at the architectural wonders of Sirpur, Chhattisgarh has something for everyone.

List of Holidays in Chhattisgarh:

 Let’s take a look at the list of holidays in Chhattisgarh for the year 2025:

26 January 2025Republic Day
26 February 2025Maha Shivaratri
14 March 2025Holi
31 March 2025Idul Fitr
6 April 2025Ram Navami
10 April 2025Mahavir Jayanti
14 April 2025Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
18 April 2025Good Friday
12 May 2025Buddha Purnima
7 June 2025Bakrid / Eid al Adha
11 June 2025Sant Guru Kabir Jayanti
6 July 2025Muharram
9 August 2025Raksha Bandhan
15 August 2025Independence Day
16 August 2025Janmashtami
26 August 2025Hartalika Teej
5 September 2025Eid e Milad
2 October 2025Vijaya Dashami
2 October 2025Gandhi Jayanti
21 October 2025Diwali
27 October 2025Chhath Puja
5 November 2025Guru Nanak Jayanti
18 December 2025Guru Ghasidas Jayanti
25 December 2025Christmas

Bank Holidays in Chhattisgarh for 2025

1 JanuaryWednesdayNew Year Day
14 JanuaryTuesdayMakara Sankranti
26 JanuarySundayRepublic Day
26 FebruaryWednesdayMahaShivratri
14 MarchFridayHoli
31 MarchMondayId ul-Fitr
6 AprilSundayRam Navami
10 AprilThursdayMahavir Jayanti
14 AprilMondayDr.Ambedkar Jayanti
18 AprilFridayGood Friday
12 MayMondayBuddha Purnima
7 JuneSaturdayBakrid
11 JuneWednesdaySant Guru Kabir Jayanti
6 JulySundayMuharram
9 AugustSaturdayRaksha Bandhan
15 AugustFridayIndependence Day
16 AugustSaturdayJanmashtami
26 AugustTuesdayHarlika Teej
5 SeptemberFridayEid-e-Milad
2 OctoberThursdayGandhi Jayanti / Dussehra
21 OctoberTuesdayDiwali
27 OctoberMondayChhath Puja
5 NovemberWednesdayGuru Nanak Jayanti
18 DecemberThursdayGuru Ghasidas Jayanti
25 DecemberThursdayChristmas
27 DecemberSaturdayGuru Gobind Singh Jayanti

Popular Chhattisgarh Holidays:

Here are 5 popular Chhattisgarh holidays that might be among the best, depending on what you’re looking for:

1. Republic Day – January 26th is celebrated as Republic Day in India, marking the day when the Constitution of India came into effect. This national holiday is observed with great pride and patriotism throughout the country, including Chhattisgarh.

2. Holi – Holi, the festival of colours, is celebrated with great fervour in Chhattisgarh. It falls on March 25th in 2025. During this festival, people gather to play with colours, dance to traditional music, and indulge in delicious sweets.

3. Ram Navami – Ram Navami is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Rama, a revered Hindu deity. It falls on April 17th in 2025. Devotees visit temples, offer prayers, and participate in religious processions on this auspicious day.

4. Mahavir Jayanti – Mahavir Jayanti is celebrated to honour the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, the founder of Jainism. It falls on April 21st in 2025. Jain temples are beautifully adorned, and devotees offer prayers and engage in charitable activities to commemorate this day.

5. Diwali – Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is the festival of lights and is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Chhattisgarh. People light oil lamps, burst fireworks, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious sweets. In 2025, Diwali falls on November 1st.


As you plan your trip to experience the cultural richness of Chhattisgarh during these holidays, it’s important to ensure that your travel arrangements align with your budget. If needed, consider exploring a travel loan to make your journey seamless and stress-free. Tata Capital offer travel loan with flexible repayment options, allowing you to focus on creating memories without financial concerns.

List of Holidays for Other States

Holidays in Assam | Holidays in Bihar | Holidays in Goa | Holidays in Gujarat | Holidays in Himachal Pradesh | Holidays in Haryana |Holidays in Jharkhand | Holidays in Karnataka | Holidays in Kerala | Holidays in Maharashtra | Holidays in Madhya Pradesh | Holidays in Meghalaya | Holidays in Odisha | Holidays in Punjab | Holidays in Rajasthan | Holidays in Sikkim | Holidays in Tamil Nadu | Holidays in Telangana | Holidays in Tripura | Holidays in Uttar Pradesh | Holidays in Uttarakhand | Holidays in West Bengal


How many holidays are there in 2025 in Chattisgarh?

Chattisgarh will have 23 announced holidays in 2025. These would include national and regional festivals.

Which state has maximum holidays?

Out of all the Indian states, Sikkim has the maximum number of declared holidays in 2025, with a total of 48.

Which month has the maximum number of public holidays in Chhattisgarh in 2025?

With Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi, Vijaya Dashami and Diwali, October has the maximum number of public holidays in 2025.

How many government holidays are there in 2025 in Chhattisgarh?

In Chattisgarh, there are 17 declared government holidays and 34 optional holidays for government employees.

Are there any state-specific holidays included in the bank holidays of Chhattisgarh?

Yes, state-specific holidays have been included in the bank holidays of Chhattisgarh. Festivals like Diwali and Holi have great importance in the state.