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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > List of Holidays in Goa

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List of Holidays in Goa

List of Holidays in Goa

Goa is a state that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, historical sites, and a laid-back beach culture. Whether you’re interested in exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Old Goa, enjoying water sports on the beaches, or savouring the delicious seafood and local cuisine, Goa has something to offer every traveller. 

Goa is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and Portuguese heritage, Goa is a popular destination for travellers from around the world. To make the most of your visit, it’s important to be aware of the holidays in Goa. In this blog, we will provide you with a list of holidays in Goa for the year 2025, so you can plan your trip accordingly. Let’s get started!

List of Holidays in Goa 2025

Let’s take a look at the list of holidays in Goa for the year 2025:

26 JanuaryRepublic Day
14 MarchHoli
30 MarchUgadi
31 MarchIdul Fitr
14 AprilDr Ambedkar Jayanti
18 AprilGood Friday
1 MayMay Day
7 JuneBakrid / Eid al Adha
15 AugustIndependence Day
16 AugustJanmashtami
27 AugustGanesh Chaturthi
28 AugustGanesh Chaturthi
2 OctoberVijaya Dashami
2 OctoberGandhi Jayanti
21 OctoberDiwali
3 DecemberFeast of St Francis Xavier
19 DecemberLiberation Day
25 DecemberChristmas Day

Bank Holidays in Goa for 2025

26 JanuarySundayRepublic Day
14 MarchFridayHoli
30 MarchSundayUgadi
31 MarchMondayIdul Fitr
14 AprilMondayDr Ambedkar Jayanti
18 AprilFridayGood Friday
1 MayThursdayMay Day
7 JuneSaturdayBakrid / Eid al Adha
6 JulySundayMuharram
15 AugustFridayIndependence Day
2 OctoberThursdayVijaya Dashami
2 OctoberThursdayGandhi Jayanti
3 DecemberWednesdayFeast of Saint Francis
19 DecemberFridayLiberation Day
25 DecemberThursdayChristmas Day

Popular Goa Holidays:

Here are 5 popular Goa holidays that might be among the best, depending on what you’re looking for:

1. Carnival – February 25, 2025:

Kicking off the holiday season, Goa hosts the spectacular Carnival in late February. This lively event is marked by vibrant parades, elaborate costumes, and a joyous atmosphere that engulfs the streets. It’s a celebration that perfectly captures the spirit of Goa, attracting visitors from around the world.

2. Shigmo Festival – March 11, 2025:

As spring arrives, so does the Shigmo Festival. Celebrated on March 11th in 2025, this Hindu festival showcases Goa’s rich cultural heritage through traditional music, dance, and processions. It’s a time when locals come together to revel in the beauty of their traditions and share it with visitors.

3. Good Friday – April 5, 2025:

A significant Christian holiday, Good Friday is observed on April 5th in 2025. Goa, with its substantial Christian population, commemorates this day with solemn church services, processions, and a reflective atmosphere. It’s a time for introspection and spiritual connection.

4. Ganesh Chaturthi – 7th Sep, 2025:

One of the most widely celebrated festivals in Goa, Ganesh Chaturthi, falls on August 28th in 2025. Devotees welcome the elephant-headed god, Lord Ganesha, with grandeur. Colorful processions, music, and the immersion of idols in water mark the culmination of this joyful and spiritually significant festival.

5. Christmas – December 25, 2025:

Goa, with its rich Christian heritage, celebrates Christmas with unparalleled fervour. December 25th is a time for midnight Mass services, beautifully adorned churches, and a festive atmosphere. The state comes alive with decorations, carol singing, and a general spirit of merriment.


Exploring Goa during its festive seasons is an excellent way to delve deeper into the local culture. However, planning a holiday trip might require some financial preparation. If you find yourself dreaming of a Goan getaway but need some financial assistance, consider exploring travel loan. Many financial institutions offer convenient travel loan options that can help turn your vacation plans into reality. Visit Tata Capital to know more.

List of Holidays for Other States

Holidays in Assam | Holidays in Bihar | Holidays in Chhattisgarh | Holidays in Gujarat | Holidays in Himachal Pradesh | Holidays in Haryana | Holidays in Jharkhand | Holidays in Karnataka | Holidays in Kerala | Holidays in Maharashtra | Holidays in Madhya Pradesh | Holidays in Meghalaya | Holidays in Odisha | Holidays in Punjab | Holidays in Rajasthan | Holidays in Sikkim | Holidays in Tamil Nadu | Holidays in Telangana | Holidays in Tripura | Holidays in Uttar Pradesh | Holidays in Uttarakhand | Holidays in West Bengal


How many holidays are there in 2025 in Goa?

In 2025, Goa will have 28 declared holidays. These include local and national observances.

Which state has maximum holidays?

Sikkim has the maximum number of holidays in 2025, with 48 declared holidays for the year. This includes regional and national holidays.

Which month has the maximum number of public holidays in Goa in 2025?

The month with the most public holidays in Goa in 2025 is October, which has Dussehra, Diwali, and Gandhi Jayanti.

How many government holidays are there in 2025 in Goa?

There are 18 public holidays and 2 special holidays declared for 2025 by the Government of Goa. There are also 23 restricted holidays.

Are there any state-specific holidays included in the bank holidays of Goa?

Carnival, Shigmo Festival, Feast of St. Francis Xavier and Goa Liberation Day are state-specific holidays included in the bank holiday calendar.