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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Post-Pandemic Travel: Precautions to take & Rules to follow

Loan for Travel

Post-Pandemic Travel: Precautions to take & Rules to follow

Post-Pandemic Travel: Precautions to take & Rules to follow

As the world and the economy cannot stop functioning even in the face of such a deadly disease, means of transport are reopening in one form or another in all places. Our holidays, work trips, and all other kinds of trips are set to change. Are you ready for post-pandemic travel? Here are a few starters for you to be prepared.

Recent changes in public travel

1. Flexible ticket change policy

Travel after lockdown is set to become easier. There are no more change fees upon cancellation of a flight ticket. You might also avail a flight voucher, which you can use as many as two years from the date of your original ticket.

2. Touchless screening

Airport authorities have changed their screening processes and eliminated staff’s contact with travellers. Some airlines have also started temperature screenings.

3. Masks

If you are obliged to wear a mask even while stepping out to buy groceries, you surely need to have it on when you are travelling with hundreds of other people. Masks have been made a part of policy for all kinds of travellers.

4. Minimal cabin service

This means a cut in in-flight food and beverages. You are most likely to only be offered water on your flight rather than cold drinks or snacks.

Based on these changes and the currently noticed trend that transport companies have been making a lot of policy adjustments quietly or unannounced, it is important for us to keep track and watch out for the following possibilities.

Additional Read: How to Prepare for Coronavirus If You Have a Planned Travel Ahead?

How post-pandemic travel is set to change

  • You will have to keep an eye out for changes in transport policies. Cancellation, refund, and other policies are changing constantly as companies try to figure out best practices for travel after lockdown.
  • Since the number of passengers has drastically reduced and airlines are barely surviving, they will have to adopt a consumer-first approach with everything. Basically, it’s great news for travellers.
  • All facilities will be redesigned to promote social distancing. The number of commuters allowed on buses, metros, and flights will go down.  There will be separate and demarcated areas for arrivals, departures, ticketing, etc.
How to Travel Post-Pandemic

Precautions for travel after lockdown

Although there is great hope that full-fledged travel services will soon resume and we are all excited to go on journeys again, we must remember to be extra careful. Here are the key safety precautions to follow for post-pandemic travel.

1. Information is power, and safety too

You will have to figure out the best and safest mode of transport based on distance and exposure. You need to be aware of all the rules imposed by the government, international authorities, and any other relevant authority of the place you’re travelling to.

If you happen to make spontaneous plans, be sure that they’re the safest possible. If money is a problem, you can always go for a travel loan via Tata Capital’s Personal Loans, which are designed to meet your immediate financial requirements.

2. Being on time is crucial

Waiting for a bus in a crowd is no more a normal thing to do. This could now lead to panic, accidents, and infections. So make sure that you aren’t too late or even too early for your bus, train, or flight.

3. Social distancing

This goes without saying. Whether you’re in a line or inside a vehicle, make sure that you maintain at least a meter between yourself and other passengers.

4. Online payments

Instead of booking at the counter and risking contact, book all your tickets online. Get monthly passes for regular modes such as bus and metro. Online payments also come with discounts and offers so it’s a win-win.

5. Carry your hygiene armour

Carry disposable gloves, clean masks, sanitizers, tissue papers, etc. and use them frequently to make yourself as well as others feel safer. It would be wise to get yourself disposable sheets to sit on, and to avoid touching seats, windows, bars, doors, etc. as much as possible.

Additional ReadThings to Keep in Mind While Choosing Your Accommodations for Vacation


Some of these practices will feel too new and odd in the beginning, but they are for the betterment of our health and safety. Wouldn’t it be great to travel in a safer world? Let’s take these in the best spirit and start making our post-pandemic travel plans!

If money is being a deterrent to these plans for you, don’t worry. You can always avail an easy travel loan through services such as Tata Capital’s Personal Loan. With travel loan interest rates starting at 10.99 % and tenure up to 72 months, you can find all your travel dreams within reach.

Here’s your travel plan with a travel loan, safe and simplified!