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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Quick Tips to Travel Safely in Post Lockdown World

Loan for Travel

Quick Tips to Travel Safely in Post Lockdown World

Quick Tips to Travel Safely in Post Lockdown World

The end of the lockdown does not mean the end of coronavirus. Sure, the government is in various stages of “unlocking”, which means taking domestic trips are a possibility again. But, you need to be more careful than ever before while travelling during these times to ensure you don’t contract the virus.

Are you planning to travel anytime soon? If so, then adhere to the tips given below to make sure you travel safely after the lockdown.

Additional Read: Travelling in the New Normal – Detailed Guide About Post Lockdown Travel

Tourism Precautions After Lockdown

  • Choose your destination wisely. Pick one where the number of cases is low, and the recovery rate is high.
  • Make sure you go through the quarantine policies of your destination carefully. All your plans will fail if you are required to quarantine yourself for 7-14 days.
  • Plan everything in advance – where you would be staying, what sites you will be visiting, how you are going to commute, etc.
  • Make sure your mask covers your mouth, nose, and chin properly.
  • When taking a cab, bus, train, or any other means of public transport, carry disinfectant wipes. Wipe down your seat and the armrests. Also, wipe the back of the seat in front of you or any surface around you that may have infectious droplets on it. Be careful not to use the same wipe on your hands or face.
  • Avoid using the ATM and making payments in cash. Use internet/mobile banking, UPI, digital wallets, etc. instead.
  • If a vendor does not accept digital payments and you have to use cash, sanitize your hands immediately after you put away the change.
  • Use disinfectant wipes to wipe your phone, watch, wallet/handbag, glasses/shades, etc. from time to time.
  • Use your own cutlery in restaurants, cafés, and other food joints. Keep reusable or disposable cutlery in a zip-lock bag and carry it with you when you go out to eat.

Additional Read: Check Out The Travel Essentials You Need to Pack Post Lockdown

How to Choose a Hotel?

Hotels that take good care of their employees are more likely to take good care of their guests. Keep the following pointers in mind when deciding where to stay, to ensure safe travel after lockdown:

  • Go through the website of the hotel you are considering and see how they are responding to COVID-19.
  • Check whether they are following safety regulations and government guidelines.
  • Look for hotels that have Plexiglas installed at the reception desk.
  • See that they require their staff to wear masks and gloves.
  • See if they provide the option to check-in online and use your smartphone as your room key.

In addition to the tips mentioned here, make sure you go through the guidelines that the WHO and local governments have issued for travel safety post lockdown.

Additional Read: Check Out The List of Countries Open for Travel after Lockdown

Are you planning on cancelling your trip due to a financial shortage? If so, then don’t! You can easily travel using personal loan for travel from Tata Capital. Our travel loans cover all travel-related expenses, be it airfares, other transportation expenses, tour packages, hotel fares or travel gear/accessories.

We offer convenient repayment options and attractive interest rates.  You can calculate your emi on personal loan for travel using personal loan EMI calculator.

Visit our website for more information today!