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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Top Things to Consider before Traveling to the USA

Loan for Travel

Top Things to Consider before Traveling to the USA

Top Things to Consider before Traveling to the USA

No country spells freedom as much as the United States. It is a country of dreams for many. Spread across a massive 3.8 million square miles, the USA has one of the world’s most diverse and picturesque landscapes. You could explore one of the many tour packages available through various portals to the USA.

Here, we give you some effective tips for the perfect USA travel-guide. 

1. Get your documentation right 

Having the proper documentation is of paramount importance since the USA is strict with its documentation. Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six more months when you apply for your visa and that your visa is valid while you’re traveling.

2. Buy a TSA approved lock for your bags 

The USA government reserves the right to open and check your bags before you enter the country. A TSA-approved lock is a must when you travel to the States. This saves time and makes the security check-in process more straightforward.

3. Understand the country’s tipping etiquette 

Tipping is expected in the USA. You can tip a server between 10%-20% for the service they have provided. This would include drivers, waiters, valets, concierges, and other service providers.

4. Know that you’ll always pay more than the price displayed

All the USA states have display prices which exclude the sales tax. This means that when you purchase a product, the bill will be up to 10% higher than the display price. This percentage generally varies from state to state.   

5. Must-visit National Parks

The USA is known for its immense National Park which covers a geographical area of about 84 million acres across every state. From the Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky, which is the longest cave system in the world to the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, which has the largest gypsum dunes in the world, these protected areas are truly spectacular.

6. Ensure you have travel insurance 

It is imperative to have travel insurance when taking a tour of the USA. This protective contingency will ensure that you are reimbursed for any lost luggage, trip cancellation and trip curtailment.

If you feel that the financial expenditure of taking a tour package to the USA is restricting you from traveling, just apply for a hassle-free loan for travel with Tata Capital. Getting a travel loan is simple, easy and fast! These tips and tricks will help you to plan an exciting and informed trip to the USA. Pack your bags and book your tour packages today!