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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Top Travel Bloggers to Follow in 2020 on Social Media

Loan for Travel

Top Travel Bloggers to Follow in 2020 on Social Media

Top Travel Bloggers to Follow in 2020 on Social Media

Traveling is an addiction and travel addicts are happily guilty as charged. With social media serving more than as a socialization platform, these travellers share their experiences with a beautiful story weaved around. Travel blogging has gracefully transitioned into a profession with millions of people getting inspired by travel stories speaking about the cultures, top destinations, people and a lot more about places.

Here are the top 6 bloggers to follow to keep yourself updated on the travel side:

1. Archana Singh

An award winner, travel blogger, writer, speaker, photographer, Archana Singh has a lot more to her bag of achievements. She is an excellent storyteller who knows how to engage the audience while still sticking to the facts and truths. Archana Singh has surely come a long way. Her official website is “”.

2. Shivya Nath

Author of the best seller book “The Shooting Star”, Shivya Nath is a highly followed solo traveler who blogs about the travel experiences in beautiful scripts. When she had enough of her corporate life, Shivya decided to witness and explore what the world had to offer. She also made it a point to let others live her journeys through her write-ups. Her official website is “”.

3. Ajay Sood

A renowned name in the travel blogging world, Ajay Sood’s photography skills are appreciated worldwide with an Outlook photographer of the year award to his bag. Living his passions as his profession, Ajay has traveled the world with a blog full of mesmerizing pictures, people and their life, tales of love and lots of memories from his travels. His blog is sure to make you feel ‘Fernweh’ – a German word that means a strong urge to travel. His official website is “”

Additional Read:- Things to Keep in Mind While Choosing Your Accommodations for Vacation

4. Siddhartha Joshi

His love to observe and understand people made him travel places leaving him overwhelmed at the artistry of nature. Siddhartha started off with storytelling as a hobby and now has taken it up as a full-time profession through his blogs. His work is a testimony to his love for humanity. His official website is “”.

5. Ami Bhat

A fierce soul living on the edge, Ami Bhat needs no introduction to travel enthusiasts. Paving her ways right through mountains and beaches, nothing can stop Ami from traveling and capturing the beautiful nature through her lens. She believes travel makes people happy and helps them grow. Her official blog is “@amibhat”.

6. Seema Gurnani

No travel is complete without relishing the local cuisine, believes Seema Gurnani who is a travel-cum-food blogger. An ardent soul who finds solace in flavors, Seema is everyone’s favorite when it comes to food suggestions. Reviewing cultures based on their cuisine style is one niche that Seema has aced. Her official website is “”.

Additional Read:- Travelling Solo? Build Your Own Itinerary Easily!

Just like these travellers, you can explore the world too. The easy procedure of availing Tata Capital’s travel loans up to Rs 25 lakhs can help you go places you always wanted to. Check your loan eligibility right away.