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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Travelling Solo? Build Your Own Itinerary Easily!

Loan for Travel

Travelling Solo? Build Your Own Itinerary Easily!

Travelling Solo? Build Your Own Itinerary Easily!

Embarking on a solo trip is nothing short of undertaking an adventure. Travelling solo is the most fun way to travel and it is likely to become the most memorable trip of your life.

Here are our tips to help you make your itinerary for your solo trip.

Tip 1- Decide on Your Destination

Solo travelling is the best opportunity to explore yourself as well as the world around you. So always pick a destination that you are comfortable with. It could be an offbeat destination or a popular tourist destination but the idea is to be comfortable and at peace no matter whatever destination you have picked for yourself.

Tip 2- Research Thoroughly

Before venturing out on your solo trip, it is important for you to know about the place. Search on the internet, read blogs and also talk to people who have been there to get a thorough understanding of the place. Another useful tip is to carry reference books or guide books of the place you plan to go, along with carrying a map. This will help you plan out a smart trip and you will not be wasting time navigating in a foreign place.

Tip 3- Make a Travel List

Before you randomly start making plans, make a travel list of all the possible places or tourist spots that you would like to visit, on the basis of the duration and speed of your travel. There is often the temptation to include everything that the place offers us while planning our itinerary but don’t get stuck to this idea. Try being as practical and strict while trying to identify what it is that you want to do and see on your trip.

Tip 4- Book Your Accommodation

Before embarking on the trip, book your accommodation in advance so that you have a clear idea of where you have to go. Rather than opting for a hotel, you can opt for family-run guesthouses or homestays, where you will be able to enjoy your breakfast and dinner, meet other solo travelers and where the locals will be able to help you know about the place more. Always double check the reviews of the place you are choosing from the internet or from people who have been there.

Tip 5- Weather-proof Your Plan

No matter what plans you are making, make sure you choose places based on the weather conditions of your destination and also pack according to that. If there are some destinations that are more compelling to visit at a particular time of the year, then you might have to alter your itinerary accordingly. Also, while choosing places, keep an eye on whether your travel plans are coinciding with the high season or not, as the prices tend to get higher during the high season.

Tip 6- Financing Your Solo Trip

The most important bit of your solo trip is the financing of your solo trip. Travel plans are often expensive which often leads to people canceling them. This is where we at Tata Capital come in to help you fulfill your dreams of going on a solo trip. We at Tata Capital offer collateral-free personal loan that can easily fund your solo trips. Buy a loan for travel from us with minimal documentation and flexible EMI plans at highly reasonable interest rates. Our online applications and instant loan approvals make it even easier for you to apply for personal loans and purchase a travel loan for your desires. Don’t let financial constraints hold you back from realizing your travel dreams. Learn more about our personal loan eligibility and travel loan eligibility requirements and let us help you plan your next big travelling plan.

With these tips, you are now ready to explore the world on your own.