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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > 4 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Loan While Buying Two-Wheeler

Loan for Vehicle

4 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Loan While Buying Two-Wheeler

4 Reasons Why You Should Opt for Loan While Buying Two-Wheeler

Owing to the ever-increasing population of India, traffic jams have become a daily occurrence. People are constantly rushing to work only to be slowed down by immensity of traffic congestions. And so, to escape the woes of incessant pollution and wastage of valuable time, bikes have emerged as the ultimate solution. Whether it’s a quick trip to the departmental store for grocery shopping or you’re looking for a trusty companion to help you commute to the office during peak hours, two wheelers serve as the most practical means of transport. As a result, more and more people are applying for a bike loan in India to ensure quick and efficient travels.

Many of you may be wondering- ‘why take out a bike loan instead of paying the full price in one go?’ Well, if you are one of them, here are the top four reasons why taking out a two-wheeler loan in India is a much better option than dipping into your savings.

1. No Need to Settle

Whether you’re a bike enthusiast or simply looking to purchase a bike for your daily commute, you may have your heart set on a model that not only ranks high on visual appeal but also offers functional benefits such as great mileage. However, buying a bike from your saved up money does not only put stress on your financial health but also restricts you from buying the bike of your choice as you end settling for one that fits your budget. However, taking a bike loan can solve these issues as it reduces the financial burden and also allows you to purchase the bike of your dreams.

2. Enjoy Tax Benefits

If you are a self-employed businesses individual looking to purchase a new two-wheeler, you can reap the benefits of tax-deductible interests on your two-wheeler loan. Upon purchasing the vehicle on your company’s name, you can also save a considerable amount of money on additional payments apart from loan interest repayments such as insurance, fuel, maintenance as these charges are deducted from your profits, allowing you to enjoy depreciation benefits.

3. Creates Financial Discipline

Upon taking a two wheeler loan, you are expected to pay monthly EMIs, thereby requiring you to have sufficient funds in your bank account. This helps maintain financial stability as you can calculate your expenses beforehand and plan out future expenditures accordingly. Moreover, it teaches you long-term financial savings and helps you save money.

4. Low Interest Rates

Thanks to the tremendous popularity of bikes in India, purchasing a two-wheeler loan is extremely stress-free as the interest rates have gone down considerably. Several financial institutions are competing with each other to offer affordable and reasonable rates to increase the purchase of two-wheeler finance.

Contact Tata Capital for attractive interest rates along with flexible EMI and tenure options to ensure hassle-free repayment. We offer a wide range of tailored bike loans to help you purchase the bike of your dreams, with zero financial worries.

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