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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > How to Buy a Used Electric Car in Bangalore?

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How to Buy a Used Electric Car in Bangalore?

How to Buy a Used Electric Car in Bangalore?

If you live in the bustling IT hub of Bangalore, then a second-hand electric vehicle can be the magic solution for all your commuting woes. Not only do they come with an affordable price tag, but they are entirely pollution-free and cost-effective. What’s even more exciting is that their engines remain unsullied even with prolonged use, which is a common concern with internal combustion engines. So, even the second-hand ones last very long!

If you’re wondering how to buy one, here’s how you should go about it.

Figure out the driving range

One of the most critical considerations while selecting a used electric car in Bangalore is how far you can drive it on a single charge. Rather than relying on what the seller claims, go online to check for customer reviews. Even though you’ll find abundant EV charging stations in a city like Bengaluru, your driving range should be substantial.

Typically, a second-hand electric car in Bangalore should provide a driving range of 100 kilometres. This is sufficient for daily drives in and around the city. However, if you opt for a high-end EV carrying larger battery packs, you can comfortably travel a range of over 400 kilometres.

Additional Read: Things You Need to Know While Getting an Electric Car in India

Figure out the battery life

Even if your second-hand EV boasts an exceptional driving range, it means nothing without a powerful battery pack. Indeed, it is one of the most expensive components of an electric car and replacing one is usually a costly affair. This is why you should quiz the seller on the battery’s condition while you’re shopping around.

If you buy a costly second-hand electric vehicle and run out of battery right away, you will end up paying a hefty price. Instead, try to purchase a used EV whose battery has at least a year or two’s worth of juice left in it.

Figure out the finances

After choosing a second-hand electric vehicle, the next step is to figure out the finances to buy it. Fortunately, a used EV is not exorbitantly priced, but it can still cost you substantially. That’s why opting for a used-car loan is one of the most popular ways to finance an electric car.

Besides, a credible lending institution can quickly lend you this type of loan, provided you have the proper paperwork for it. You can also avail of a second-hand car loan on flexible repayment terms and at competitive interest rates. So why dig into your savings when finance is readily available?

Additional Read: Electric Cars vs Petrol Cars – Pros & Cons

The bottom line

And that’s about it. While purchasing an EV might seem like a daunting task at first, it’s not as tricky as it sounds; following the tips mentioned above will surely help you find a sweet deal.

However, if you already have your heart set on a second-hand electric car but are concerned about the finances, turn to Tata Capital. We offer loans for EVs at attractive used-car loan interest rates, customisable repayment tenures, and minimal documentation.

At our competitive rates, you can conveniently buy an electric vehicle in Bangalore within a matter of days. So, don’t wait much longer! Check our used-car loan eligibilitycriteria here.

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