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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > How To Get A Used Car In Mumbai Under Rs 2 Lakhs

Loan for Vehicle

How To Get A Used Car In Mumbai Under Rs 2 Lakhs

How To Get A Used Car In Mumbai Under Rs 2 Lakhs

Second hand cars fulfil the family aspiration of owning a car without feeling the cash crunch that goes with buying a new car. Fitted somewhere between two-wheelers and budget new cars, used cars are a great option for people who do not want to invest in a new car or want an premium car at a lower price point. Due to the availability of second hand car loans, it is all the more easy to buy such models.

If you are planning to buy used cars in Mumbai, there are plenty of options you can go for. You can look for classified ads, pre-owned car showrooms, car broker offices or online platforms.

Classified ads

The old fashioned way of looking for a second hand car was to look in the newspaper classified ads. Lokmat, Mumbai Mirror and their likes have dedicated pages for such sale advertisements. One can get in touch with the contact person and arrange a meeting to physically verify the car.

Car dealers

There is no shortage of car dealers in Mumbai. Nowadays, most of them have a pre-owned car section. Here you get cars that have been inspected by authorized dealers and often carry a guarantee of six months. You can easily pick a budget car for under 2 lakh or even originally expensive cars devalued by age, kilometers run or appearance. Nevertheless, buying from a dealer gives you the mental satisfaction that trained eyes have checked them before you did.

Used car brokers

There are used car brokers who keep a stock of used cars for resale. It can be assumed that the price they charge will include a commission. They may offer you additional service like helping with the paperwork and the transfer of title. They may also be able to arrange used car finance for you.


The most popular way of looking for used cars is online. There are numerous online portals, including Mumbai specific ones, which display used cars on their web pages, along with their photos and specifications. You will also get the average second hand car value for any type of car. The good thing about buying online is that there are no intermediaries involved so you stand to get the best price.

Buying a second hand car is not a problem anymore. Tata Capital offers used car loan in India at attractive terms. You can apply for a used car loan online starting at an interest of 12.5% and with a loan tenure of 12 to 60 months for the best deals.

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