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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > Pros and Cons of Electric Bikes

Loan for Vehicle

Pros and Cons of Electric Bikes

Pros and Cons of Electric Bikes

Fast, elegant, and great for the environment, electric bikes have become increasingly popular today. These electric bikes are built with electric storage containers that are lighter and smaller without affecting performance.

While the idea of an all-electric torque monster on two wheels sounds extremely enticing, but is it practical? If you’re looking to bring home an e-bike,  it’s prudent to weigh out the pros and cons of electric bikesbefore making the purchase. Here’s a guide.


#1 Fuel savings

Since an electric motorcycle is completely battery-powered, you’ll save a lot of money on fuel. If you use an electric motorcycle for daily commuting, savings will start adding up quickly. To put things into perspective, electric bikes deliver the same mileage as their petrol counterparts at 15% of one litre of fuel’s cost.

Besides, you can avoid trips to the petrol station, as you can charge your bike at home.

#2 Minimal maintenance

Next in the list of electric bikes advantages and disadvantages is maintenance. Electric motors are far more reliable than ICE engines. They’re easier to maintain due to fewer moving parts and no oil changes. However, you must regularly charge the battery, clean the model, and replace under-inflated tyres on time.

#3 Performance

Electric motorcycles don’t possess a powerband and hence always deliver 100% torque. Unlike the internal combustion engine, which has a rev range, an electric bike attains massive amounts of acceleration right off the line. Thanks to competitive bike loan interest rates available, you can comfortably get your hands on the most powerful e-bike.

#4 Future proof

By using battery technology, you bid farewell to the harmful carbon emissions let out by an internal combustion engine. This reduces air pollution and is better for the environment. Moreover, these vehicles are unbelievably silent, helping cull noise pollution.

Additional Read: Best Electric Bike Models Planned to Be Launched In 2021


#1 Initial investment

Electric bikes and their powertrains are manufactured at a relatively smaller scale when compared to petrol-powered motorcycles. Hence their production costs are significantly higher, making them expensive. However, you can easily cover the costs with atwo-wheeler loan.

#2 Range

An electric bike has a lower range compared to a petrol-powered bike with a full tank of gas. If you’re planning long road trips, you’ll have to stop frequently for recharges. With a limited number of electric charging stations, electric scooters aren’t as suited for long-distance rides.

#3 Charging time

Filling up your petrol tank in a matter of minutes won’t be an option with electric bikes. The extended charging times can be a problem if you have to get someplace urgently. Although DC fast chargers are extremely quick, they still aren’t as convenient as a petrol pump, especially considering the charging infrastructure for EVs isn’t as developed.

Additional Read: Electric Bikes & Scooters in India 2021

Your turn

Looking to avail of hassle-free financing to fund the purchase of your very own electric bike? With attractive interest rates, starting at 10.75%, flexible tenures and easy monthly repayment options, Tata Capital is here for you.

Check out our two-wheeler loan EMI calculator to plan your repayment before applying. Visit our website today!

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