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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > Tips to maintain your bike during the rainy season

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Tips to maintain your bike during the rainy season

Tips to maintain your bike during the rainy season

The monsoons are round the corner, and if you are a bike owner, it is time to give your bike a little TLC before you start planning your road trips. Along with being careful on slippery roads, you also need to protect your motorcycle from rain damage.

Here are some tips for bike maintenance that will ensure your ride is smooth and safe this rainy season:

Park in covered areas

Rains can play havoc on your bike. Try to look for a parking space that is covered, such as a shed. If that seems difficult, get a rain cover for your bike. Keep the rain cover folded with you and cover up your bike whenever parked. This will protect the electrical parts as well as the fiber body and minimize long-term damage.

Apply an anti-rust layer

Rust is the worst enemy of a bike. This is why you need to apply an anti-rust layer on the metal frame of your bike to protect it from the rain and moisture. You can get any local garage to do this for you.

Check/replace your tires

Worn-out tires are a major safety hazard during monsoon. Ensure that your tires have a deep tread across the center and all sides. The tread should be at least 2-3 mm deep; anything less than that and you may need to change the tires. Additionally, check your tire pressure regularly. It is recommended to keep it a point or two below the ideal pressure for better treading during the monsoon.

Put a Teflon coating

A Teflon coating repels rainwater from the bike. This is a great way to ensure there is no water damage to the bike. It is an inexpensive way of two wheeler maintenance during the monsoon. 

Get your brakes checked

Just before the monsoon hits, take your bike to a trusted service center to get your brakes checked. Brakes tend to become rusty and less responsive during the rains. Add slippery roads to the mix, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Get a professional to check, clean and align the brakes, so they are in top condition. 

Ensure a full servicing

A full bike servicing is recommended for proper two wheeler maintenance. This includes an engine oil and brake oil change, ensuring your headlight/taillight is not broken or prone to water seepage. Get your chain washed and oiled before the monsoon sets in.

Wear a helmet

Along with bike maintenance, the rainy season is also time to be mindful of self-preservation. While wearing a helmet is critical at all times, it is even more important during the monsoons. Wear protective gear every time you ride your bike. A helmet, knee pads and raincoat are a must when riding in the rains.

If you are looking to upgrade your two-wheeler, it would be a good idea to do so before the monsoon hits hard so you can enjoy a safe ride every time. Tata Capital offers up to 100% financing for a two wheeler loan, available at attractive interest rates and customizable loan tenures. 

Meanwhile, follow these tips for effective bike maintenance in rainy season and stay safe on the roads.

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